First Day of School (Part 6)

[Music Recommendation: "Tiptoe Thru The Tulips" by O'Neill Brothers (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

I slumped my head on the table trying to hide my embarrassment. How I wanted to disappear right there and then.

'Hora, I swear once you have a lovelife, I'll make sure to embarrass you in front of that person, too.'

Being a virgin was truthfully great in my opinion. The problem was that Kaiden, a man, had to hear it out loud. If only Hora would zip her mouth or he could forget all he just heard—but that's just my wishful thinking.

"Oops… sorry. Don't mind us, Kaiden," Hora chuckled.

"R-right," he nodded and put back his earphones, burying his face back to his phone. His ears were still red though.

An awkward silence shrouded our table.