So Hateful!

[Music Recommendation: "In Silence" by Janet Suhh (It's Okay Not To Be Okay OST)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

Seeing Kaiden walk towards us, with Verrill on his side, all my anger subsided. They all got replaced with sadness instead. Since it was another outburst of emotions, my eyes teared up.

'This hateful Callan! I'm gonna tell this to Kaiden! You judger of all womankind! Flirting girls who try to approach Kaiden to protect him? Don't joke with me! If I know better, you're just a real flirt and you're using Kaiden to get girls! Hmf! And since I'm not one to fall for your jerkiness, you're angry with me! Urgh! A real hooligan!'

"Kaiden, this guy—" I was gonna tell him off but he suddenly covered my mouth with his hands and pushed me closer to him.