
[Music Recommendation: "Soffia La Notte" by Fabrizio Paterlini - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter <3 ~

[Please note: We're still on Hora's POV when she fell with Verrill on the bed XD]


I could feel his firm chest pressed on mine. He wasn't so heavy until I noticed he was supporting his body with his free arm. He probably did that so he wouldn't crush me. That's really nice. My cheeks burned again and I started to feel hot even though I just finished bathing. I wanted to scream so bad but it's still so early in the morning and I didn't want to wake anyone up.

'This is bad. He can probably feel my heartbeat. It's beating so loud right now and I can't stop it! Kyaaaaaaaaa! Oh-Em-Gi!'

"Aaahh," Verrill grunted and his breath sent shivers on my neck and throughout my whole spine and my whole being.