Crystal and Hora

[Music Recommendation: "Blue & Grey" by BTS (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

Several maids helped Crystal pack her things. They went in and out of the walk-in closet in her room, presenting clothes to Crystal as they went. Then Crystal would either approve of the outfit or not, and the next maid would come with the next clothes. The others brought shoes and accessories, also presenting them to her in that manner. Those that passed were placed inside a luggage.


"Not that one."



And so her words were. She didn't even notice we came in until Hora spoke up.

"Crystal? You're leaving?" Hora asked and her eyes almost broke into tears again.

Surprised by our sudden appearance, Crystal jolted from her seat.

"Hora, Senara, you're there!" she greeted us with a smile.