A Certain Black-haired Girl

[Music Recommendation: "Sunny Mornings" by Peter B. Helland (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

It's Monday again—the first Monday of July. Today was the 5th and looking back, I couldn't believe how fast June passed by. Lots of things happened, both good and bad—but most of them were fun things. While I wasn't sure why I'm going down the memory lane on a Monday morning, I prayed to God for July to be good and merciful to all of us.

After my short morning prayer, I got up and prepared for school. It was the usual weekday routine—me getting up, taking a bath, changing my clothes, preparing my things, going to the dinning area to eat with everyone, then Kaiden drove us to school. Only took me a month but I'm already used to all of those.