Feeling Petty (Part 2)

[Music Recommendation: "Scenery" by Kim Taehyung (BTS - V) available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

"Hm? Senara?" Kaiden asked, tilting his head towards me.

His hair was a bit damp from taking a bath and his clothes were nothing but a bathrobe. What in the world did he do in the dressing room? Slightly dry his hair? He didn't even change. Hmm… maybe he noticed someone came in and came to check. Anyway, what matters was that he was awake in the morning! And it was the weekend to boot.

I laid down on his bed on my stomach—he probably didn't notice what I was wearing so I rolled to my side and slowly sat up, revealing my night gown to him. Heh. Take that, Kaiden.

Kaiden's eyes widened as soon as he noticed what I was wearing. As expected, his cheeks and ears turned red, and he averted his gaze from me. Feeling devious, I continued with my plan of revenge.