Silky and Sarah (Part 2)

[Music Recommendation: "Interweave" by Chewie Melodies (Genshin Impact OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

"I-it's a bit crowded," Hora replied in a murmur. Whether it was hesitation or just the anxiousness from her voice, I wasn't sure, but one thing I'm certain was that… she didn't want her to join us. As to what her reason was, I had no idea.

If I were to be honest, it wasn't true that it was crowded. The couch we sat on was good for eight to ten people. Two slim females would barely add up to space. Our bags were all hanging on the hooks under the table so they didn't sit on the couch. There was literally enough space for four more people. Two could sit on either sides—beside Callan or Kaiden, or beside Crystal and me, since we were the ones located on the outer sides of the couches.

"You're Hora's cousin, right?" Callan asked, bursting the short silence.