A Knock At Midnight (Part 1)

[Music Recommendation: "Blue & Grey" by BTS (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

A few moments later, Hora, Crystal, and Verrill arrived. Then, we all went home together. Since Callan would be sleeping over, Verrill decided to do the same. Now, all three boys were busy doing their project in Kaiden's room.

Meanwhile, us girls were holed up in our own rooms. Crystal wanted to bond but she had tons of meetings lined up for the night—one with her modelling agency, another with her classmates to discuss a group project, and I forgot the other thing she mentioned. Hora had a lot of homework lined up too so that left me alone in my room. On the good side, I had more "me" time. I needed it to arrange my thoughts.

"Haaaaahh…" I sighed deeply as I slumped my body to the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Soooo… What are you gonna do, Sena? What's the plan?"