Triple Date (Part 1)

[Music Recommendation: "My Eyes" by 10cm - Goblin OST (instrumental only) available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

[Please note: We're back to Senara's POV - after breakfast where Kaiden kept on teasing Callan and Crystal]

Thanks to Hora and Kaiden's encouraging words, all my worries disappeared like a mist. The truth was still there but what mattered was that Kaiden loves me and my future depends on me. Whether it affects others, which it really would one way or another, I shouldn't feel burdened by it. People would always move on and change. Plus, I'm not God. I could only do so much to help others. At the very least, I would make sure to protect and help those that were precious to me—my family, friends and loved ones, and my dream.