Solution (Part 1)

Hours passed, a man lying down in the place where it was all white, lying down in the white-colored bed as well.

Thus, an eye-glassed lady known as Elea talked to him,

"You had overexterting your way of thinking. Don't do it anymore."

Chris could only sigh when she had stated that. But glad that she did not know the secrecy behind the talks with him and her father. Thus, she knew nothing about it.

To him, she should not know about those which led him to say,

"I need to think another way round out for my training, sorry."

"Still, don't overwork yourself! I might only know you for months. But Professor had told me everything about you."

The man was gone stubborn at this time! He did not even listen to the lady who was his wife in his past. Thinking only about himself for how he could achieve [Supreme Magus] grade within five years.

He forcefully rose his body by grabbing the wooden holder on the left side that stood gallantly in his left by using his left hand.

"I have to go to the guild hall! Don't stop me, Elea!" Chris demanded her as she was about to put him down again.

"Stop it, Chris. Get some help if you can't do it!" Elea pushed him back to the bed again as she moved swiftly to his left side, causing him to caught off guard when she did that.

He was seeing her angry face, yet puffed cheek in his point of view.

However, time was ticking. Chris can't afford any more leisure for resting!

Thus, he demanded Elea as he told her in a stern tone and an intense glare,

"Step aside, Elea. You didn't know the severity of this mission that your father had entrusted to me."

"Lady Linberg, let me talk to my master."

It was a word that came out from a man with the silver knight's armor without a helm. His scar in his left eye that blinded him was a sign of his war experience.

He looked at his master as soon as he walked in the room, standing on the right side of Chris as he said,

"You shan't walk first, master Chris."

"Kingstone, you know me better than anyone right? If you know me, then tell them that they had to dispatch me right now!"

His warm expression that coming out from his handsome face despite having scars anywhere had explained everything.

He won't allow his master to go. Thus, he replied,

"Apologizes, master Chris. Kingstone can't help you with it, not even my sister have an authority for it."

Chris went silent when his servant's older brother had told him so.

Instead, he looked at him as his jade-green iris had reflected his apologetic look. Thus, he sighed after knowing that even Lein's brother couldn't do anything for his discharge.

"Can you stay out from this room for a while, Elea? This is related to my family issue." Chris asked her for his small request about his privacy to talk to his servant.

Elea turned her body over, understanding that her friend needed some space to talk about a serious issue between him and his servant. She walked out from the room, closing the door gently while telling him,

"Do tell me if you had a problem, I'm waiting here."

Chris looked at Kingstone, who stood gallantly in front of him, talked to him as he said,

"Can you tell me the reason between my retainment?"

Kingstone knelt in front of him like a knight who talked to his emperor as Chris asked him so. He answered him,

"It was guild master Elanor's decision for not letting you out until he managed to find out thee's root cause of the defect."

"There is no use for that, Kingstone, even Lein couldn't fix it."

"Thou shall not worry about it, master Chris. Master Elanor is the greatest healer in the northern continent. Both Kingstone and my sister, Leinstern had the faith to him that he shall find the way to reduce your pain." Kingstone replied to him with a tone of faith that came out from his voice.

Chris started to felt convinced with the result. His servant's voice had explained everything that he won't ask for the further question. Instead, he decided to talk to him, asking about something else as he said,

"Do you know about Mjolnir?"

"Mjolnir? That was a dangerous weapon, Thee shall not touching that, master Chris!" He replied to him with a threatening tone. His facial expression was grim when Chris asked him about it.

But Chris knew about that weapon. He knew that it was the only weapon that he could use to improve his magical prowess. At the same time, it could reduce the amount of power level used in a single attack.

Other than that, he knows nothing about any other relics, artifacts, or weapons that he could use to minimalize the amount of power level that he needed for magic.

Thus, he explained to Kingstone,

"Apologizes, Kingstone. I shall not allow this to begone. This is the only chance of mine to step into [Supreme Magus] grade of power level as soon as I could."

"But, master. Kingstone care master's life much more than anything, master shall not..."

"It's fine, Kingstone. Everything is predestined, we have no reason to deny that destiny after all. Thus, you had my biggest respect for telling me all of this. Don't worry, Kingstone. I shall consider what you had told me before."

"Sorry for eavesdropping, Chris. There is another artifact you may use for minimalizing your power input." A heavy male voice echoed. But, a lady complained to him as she yelled,

"Father! You can't eavesdropping someone!"

"It's fine, Elea, I know everything about him as well." A voice replied to Elea as she yelled at that voice.

"Cat got my tongue huh." Chris smiled when he heard that voice. Thus, the door was opened slowly.