Challenge (Part 5)

'Yes! But I overdid it… Sorry man, your vertigo was supposed to be vertigo had ended to become brain cancer. But, I promise you that this will not be happening anymore.'

But, Chris did not believe in the voice at all, which led him to say,

'I don't believe you. You tend to screw the shit up in my past life. Not to mention that after I freed you from the wicked magus, you went into a dumbfuck tool.'

'LANGUAGE!!' That voice yelled at him, which led Chris to say,

'Says someone who keeps the righteous side while on the other side, killing people randomly. For real, I don't know what's on your mind, stupid wand.'

'Anyways, don't call me stupid wand anymore. I have a name. When I was alive, they called me Alice.'

Chris was nodded in that girly room where he was reading a book while talking in his subconscious mind.

But, one thing had shocked him, and it led him to say,

'What the hell, you are that legendary Arhat Magus Alice?'

That distorted voice replied to him,


Chris was stunned for a while.

Then, he looked at his own face in the mirror, pinching his face hard, which led him to yell painfully while rubbing at his face.

After that, he asked that voice as he muttered,

'Can you show a proof me that…'


A wood-breaking voice was screamed that led Chris to ask in a loud voice.

'Who is that?'