Ascend (Part 4)

At that moment, Chris had just realized that it was his doing. And the wand told him,


'Screw you idiot!' Chris cursed her back in which, she replied to him again as she said,

'Well, you know right, karma is a bitch? That's why you shouldn't call someone stupid, idiot, retard or whatnot. What if that you it hits on you again as if that you were farting then you smell the fart yourself?'

'You are right. I should be considerate, to be honest. I don't know for real of why I was going harsh like this, thank you, Alice. I think I should start to cultivate my magic now.'

'There is no need that rush to cultivate your lightning magic, Chris.' That wand responded to him. While in the same time, she continued her talk as she said,

'You know right, there are three ways to acquiring new elements. [Dual Cultivation], [Natural Affinity] and the most importantly, training. But, you acquired lightning element through [Natural Affinity]. And you had to know that you have a very high advantage to that.'

'Hm? I think that I could use a better version of lightning element if that's the case.' Chris replied to that voice as she continued with a reply,

'Not only that. Remember that I told you that you had a brain cancer? If you are using an element that was not having any affinity with you, then it will spread wildly and one day, boom! Your head is exploded. But, if you are using the magic that having an affinity with you. Then let alone for using a different elemental magic compared to the others. You could even use the magic without rune code! That's the special part for having an element that has an affinity to you.'