
"You will be the lecturer of the anti forbidden-magic specialist, Chris. I do believe that you can do it!"

That was the word that came out from the guild master's mouth.

Thus, Chris asked him with a complaining tone,

"Why do I have to be that one? Besides, I don't think that forbidden magic is something that everyone has to avoid to."

"It is because that everyone is not you, dumb!" 


"Ouck! Don't do that!" Chris complained with his horn being smacked by the old man by using his silver-colored wand.

It may only sounds "Thud!" in a voice. But, it was an unpleasant voice for Chris to hear.

Then, the old man continued as he said,

"Then what are you good at in academic? You are sucks in academic either in your past life and your current life, you know?"

'Erm... That's a fact indeed. I might get disqualified earlier if I didn't have a good grasp in lightning magic.' Chris muttered in a complaining tone at his mind.