Magic Defense Choices (part 2)

"Good to know that we don't have to certify ourselves as the Supreme Magus, professor." Loki replied to him with a grateful tone which led Chris to reply,

"It's fine, Mr. Ginger. Let the twin of the Linbergs do it."

And then, he opened his book while Loki restored his composure in sitting the chair.

He was announcing the twin to came up to the front of him as he said,

"Isaac and Helena Linberg, do stood in front of me."

Then, both of the figures were coming out to front of him. That was the twin elves consisting of the older male and the younger female. 

They were looked almost the same, but the only difference was the hairstyle itself. Thus, it was not a rare gossip that the boy tend to be called as the girl thanks to the gender confusion that happened between them.

"Isaac Linberg presents for you, professor." The baby-faced-looking guy talked to him with a firm soprano voice that led the others to chuckle.