
"Don't use Necromastery magic incompletely, little Lein."

He stated that while hugging her from back gently, telling her.

"Welcome back to the northern continent, Lein."

And then, he clapped his hands, shut the magic down.

At that time, everyone was shocked by the appearance of the middle-aged man who wore the lecturer suit.

But then, he looked back, awkwardly smiling to them while announcing,

"Sorry guys, I was on my business. So that's why I let my nephew to replace me first. I'm the true Lira Jansen. Or, my full name, Lira Draconius Jansen."

"Draconius...." All of the student who witnessed them muttered in the same time.

'What is Draconius by the way, Chris? They look terrified when you guys mentioned it...'

'Well, I'm a Draconius as well. As the Draconius myself, I can explain it.'

'Even you....' The astral soul shocked as well as she didn't understand what was that. Thus, Chris continued by explaining,