Attack on University (Intro)

Few days ahead after his announcement of the magic that he wanted to taught to the students in the magic specialist. 

Those students were busying themselves with the training while in the same time.

Nom! Nom!! Nom!!!

"Can you learn table manner for once, Chris?" The middle-aged dragon man looked at the youngster who eating frantically. He was eating like someone who hadn't been eaten for years already. 

"No uncle! I can't eat with full enjoyment if I'm doing that!" Chris replied with a complaining tone while his remains of food were flying away towards his uncle's face.

"Anyways, Chris. I think, you shouldn't teach them that magic. "

"Why?" Chris asked him while in the same time, he cleaned his face by using the silver-colored handkerchief that he always put in his left pocket. 

The middle-aged man put his handkerchief back to his pocket, replied to him,