"Come Dance with Me"

The road was muddy and Morgan could hear it hitting the side of the carriage as they rolled into the town. She was still mad that she had to take a day away from training to go shopping and it showed all over her face. Elliot had made a comment this morning along the lines of "You need to wipe the sourpuss look off your face so the weather can go back to sunny and happy" causing her to know a knife at him. It had missed by inches but he walked away laughing. The weather had not gotten better, instead the rain had gotten worse and the roads got muddier. Morgan wasn't sure what the purpose of shopping in their weather was since any bought would get soaked and no one could see anything through the heavy sheets of rain.

However, Astraea had requested it and Morgan knew it would do her sister some good to get out of the dreary battle camp. This may have been the worst day for it but it was the day they had planned to go so off they had gone.

The rain got lightened marginally as they rolled into the town and Astraea got out as soon as the carriage stopped.

Morgan scrambled out after her, "Astraea! Wait!"

Astraea keep moving though without waiting for a parasol to stop the rain and walked into the first shop dripping wet.

The shopkeeper looked up from something behind the counter, surprised and ready to ask the very wet customer to step up. After immediately recognizing Astraea as the Queen, she didn't comment further than "Welcome in. How can I ask you today?"

"My sister would like to look at your coming of age dresses."

Morgan burst into the shop, looking more drowned rat than crown princess but the shopkeeper simply nodded. She snapped her fingers and an assistant rushed out from behind a curtain, "Get a measuring tape and start pulling dresses."

To Morgan she said, "If you'll follow me, we can get you undressed and take your measurements."

Morgan followed the shopkeeper to the back of the store and behind the curtain where she shed her wet outer clothes and stepped up onto a platform to be measured. The assistant brought a measuring tape and the shopkeeper took it from her. Morgan flinched only a few times when the shopkeeper's cold hands touched her but otherwise was very proud of keeping perfectly still.

Returning to the main room, they came in to see Astraea admiring the gloves and dresses the assistant had brought out as options. Most of the dresses were pastel and between the lamp light in the shop and the strange diffused light from outside were washed out. One of the mannequins had a navy blue dress on it that caught Morgan's eye. Unlike the others, this dress wasn't washed out for faded looking in the light. Instead it seemed to have an internal glow that highlighted the sparkling details on the dress.

Morgan walked over to feel the material and felt that it was a glossy silk that glided over her fingers. The subtle detailing on the dress's skirt made her think of looking at the night sky on clear nights.

"I like this one," she said.

Astraea frowned a little, "Are you sure, Morgan? Most young women wear light colors at their Coming of Age balls."

"Most young women haven't fought in a war before their Coming of Age ball. It is just a weird symbol of innocence. After the battle last week, I wouldn't feel comfortable falsely advertising." Morgan looked at the other dresses and shook her head. And it might Council Member Thomas back off for a little bit when he sees how annoying I can be when he wants me to do something.

Astraea nodded but the shopkeeper started to sweat a little, "Would like to see a similar style in a different color? In case Your highness feels differently on the day? We usually recommend that young ladies buy two dresses so they can have a back up in case they feel differently on the big day. They usually return the second dress when it doesn't get worn."

Morgan looked to her sister who nodded.

"Ok,I'll take this blue one and," Morgan trailed off as she looked around the shop. "The pale green dress in the corner there."

The shopkeeper nodded and brushed a hair that had escaped out of her bun back, "Of course, Your Highness. I will get those packed up for you right away."

Astraea held out a hand."Yes please pack them up and then can we pick them up another day? It would be a shame for them to get ruined in the rain."

Morgan and Astraea left the shop and looked at each other as they stood in the pouring rain. Then, as if with one brain, they ran down the street whooping and dancing in the rain. Their laughter and joy was infectious and soon they were joined by other young people and children who all came out to enjoy the rain briefly washing away any dirt or grime and any unhappiness as they could focus on the cold feeling of rain hitting their skin.

A horse stopped near where their carriage parked near the edge of the town square where they were dancing in the rain and Drystann dismounted. He watched them dance for a little bit before a second horse stopped near his.

Morgan peered through the rain and she could see Elliot standing and laughing at them. She danced her way over to where they stood out of the rain under an awning and reached out her hand with a smile, "Come dance with me."

As Morgan and Elliot danced and laughed in the rain, she saw Drystann push off the wall and walk to where Astraea was dancing with some children. He bowed low over his offered hand and Astraea placed a child's hand in it. He looked up at her surprised but started dancing with the little girl. Astraea danced away from them but not before Morgan thought she saw her sister smile.