Wish Roulette

Chapter 2

As the ROB gently grab the soul it teleported from here to the outside of the void. As you close your eyes because of the blinding light teleporting out of here.

I finally saw the multiverse it is filled to the brim with stars, sun and so many many planets. As you saw all of this filled with awe and admiring every view you can see.

You see a universe arrange like a tree. A world so much like the world your previously living in but is much more gigantic and filled to the brim with delicious food. You salivate as you saw all the things from that world. But out of the corner of your eye you see 7 individuals fighting a giant violet being. The battle was amazing yet the 7 individuals won blasting the violet being that you can see the blast extending outside the reaches of those 7 individuals universe.

A/N: I would like for you guys to guess the last one clue it is a dnd stream that has finish recently consisting of famous streamers and recently the dnd dungeon master has started a new campaign. I will announce when I can.

P.S I was introduced to DND by a twitch streamer and YouTube channel when they played and that twitch streamer in DND is named after a food out of potato.

As you gaze in awe you finally notice that you have arrive to your destination.

It is a small place the thing that stands out the most is the roulette wheel. As the being puts you near the roulette. You see that the writing from the Roulette is ever changing and the light bulb are off.

As the being makes himself smaller so that he can extract the energy from you he said that " Normally we just grant the wishes ourselves but you are a special case because you have the energy of well ourselves. So what we are gonna is extract the energy you got from the void and transfer it here to fuel the roulette" .

As he said that you ask " When was the last time this was used". The being answered " Oh about mmmm 5 million years ago". And you stayed quiet while the being is extracting the energy out of you. The sensation of extracting the energy is like having an itch all over your body. And as it remove it's hand you feel it still itches but not that much the Being said " And done. Let's start this thing up. " as he said that the roulette suddenly went bright covered in colorful colors. The writing on the wheel went with so much vigor than before.

And then the being said" Well let's see how many times you can spin this Roulette" as he said that he looks to the machine and his eyes is filled with what you recall as binary or something else. As he checks the Roulette he said this " What would you like to do first pick your world after that the perk and then the skills here or is it skills first." As he said that you contemplate on which are you gonna pick.

After a few minutes you choose the world first. So he said this to you " Ok then." And looks at you said " Well what are you gonna do stare at me all day. Spin it already."

With that said you spin the Roulette. You saw all kinds of names of various tv shows, anime, books, games and heck you even saw Cthulu Mythos and you slightly panic and said to yourself ' no god! please no! noooo ' as you saw that it's stopping at a particular anime that starts with 'boku'. Then celebrated that it wasn't going to that particular anime you breathe a sigh of relief.

The being was watching this unfold to his eyes slightly smirking from your reaction. The the wheel finally stop it displayed the world your going to 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. You wrack your brain trying to remember which shows or books was this. And then you finally remember this was the book that the Game of thrones was based on but the problem is you didn't read it. But you do know that from the reaction of the people who read it they said that the Asoiaf is much more bloodier.

So based on that you said to the being " Which timeline am I gonna be in ". The being said " we'll spin on it " then the wheel suddenly has numbers from the 12,000 BC to the 300 AC so you reluctantly spin the wheel. As the wheel spins you thought that 'What am I gonna do if I'm stuck at the 12,000 BC where the first men invades westeros or when the Andal Invasion happened or how about the Dance of the Dragons.' You shiver the thought and hopefully you weren't going to go at dangerous times. As you think about your future the spin finally stops and displays in bold letters '60 BC'. So you tried to remember what major thing is gonna happen except the Aegon Targaryen Conquering Westeros. You think and think and finally you remember the Harrenhall where the Silver Prince Kidnaps the She Wolf and was made by Harren Hoare at 42BC. And you comfort yourself that your about to die before Aegon Targaryen is conquering westeros.

The being nods to you " Ok then perks" instead of spinning the wheel it gave you a list .






Everything but Westeros you don't know that much.

So out of the choices the one you pick is Westeros and then it listed this

[Beyond the Wall]



[Iron Island]






So cross out Dorne , Beyond the Wall and Reach because of One Dorne I cannot take bear the heat over there and it's gonna be a subject of torture for the Targaryen.

Two beyond the Wall the same reason for the Dorne too cold and there's the Other though it has potential.

Three Reach it is very tempting to choose this but then I remember the Field of Fire that's gonna happen when the Targaryen gonna invade westeros a lot of nobles gonna die that day and I would love it if my descendants are alive enough to make a difference to the original story.

Iron Island yeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeh


Westerlands and Stormlands very tempting I'm gonna put that in maybe. Vale and Riverlands tempting because of Vale has a lot of mountain and it's not gonna be burned by the Targaryen but I decided no and Riverlands so much potential but I would love if my descendants aren't always in war with it's neighbor all the time. And last but not least The North upsides a lot of land to work with and downside a lot less people but people there are used to the hardship to the North and the people there is a lot more simple . So out of everything the North is what I choose.

After that is what is my family standing at the society.






[New Noble]

So Commoner nope. Merchant and Sellsword I can see that happening. Maester Yeah no just no I'm planning to have descendants thank you very much and how I will be mostly concieve out of the oath so my Father is most likely a oathbreaker. So it's either noble or new Noble. So I pick new Noble. From the intersection of the glovers and the mountain clan and below that is winterfell. After that are perks for the land and the list is so many that I'm not gonna list all of them but the being said that " You can only pick about 7 perks"

So I choose this

[ Rich Farmland ]

[ Rich Minerals ]

[ Established Massive Castle ]

[ Established Fishing and Transportation Port ]

[ Tri-Village ]

[ Barracks ]

[ Roads ]

Now Rich Farmland means that the lands my family are governing is rich in resources like wood and it is very fertile if planted with the right plant that is. Rich Minerals it just means the land is reach in minerals like iron, tin, zinc, copper, silver, and gold. Established Massive Castle means you have a massive castle in your land before you were born which will be mostly likely will be build in your ancestors time. Established Fishing and Transportation Port it means you can fish in the winter and provide naval aid to the to the neighboring. Tri-Village means outside the castle you have a three villages ( mining, fishing and farming) meant for food and trade. Barracks means for making a civilian to a warrior either for war or keeping your lands safe from banditry. Roads stone roads meant to connect Deepwood Motte, The Mountain clans, Winterfell and The White Harbor for easier transportation.

Then after this is perks about yourself and I can only pick 3. So I Pick this

[ Genius ]

[ Natural-Born Warrior ]

[ Analyst ]

Genius Meant is that what you are bad at suddenly makes you good at it and what your good at your suddenly amazing at. Natural-Born Warrior means that you were born as a warrior and really good at Killing stuff. Analyst makes you good at analyzing not only detecting lies but also managing to find weaknesses in a building and weaknesses of your enemy or anything really.

I am very proud of the ones I pick for myself very nice synergy the genius becomes a multiplier to myself and the others are multiplied to genius makes me a terrifying adversary to my enemies.

Now for the Special Abilities or Skills.