
Chapter 4

House Azantys to House Richwood

House Azantys house words

( Sharpen Your Mind ,Blade and Tools )

House Sigil

A sword in the middle, A axe in the right side, And a pick axe at the left. Background a Black Long dragon.

House Richwood Words

( Beware of Nature Wrath )

House Sigil

A volcano at the middle, Storm Clouds at the very top, A tornado at the left , a tsunami at the right and then at the bottom of the volcano is a green hill with one golden tree with golden apples.

Azantys Valyrian Word for knight, warrior, swordsman or swordswoman.

House History

The House Azantys is a family of not only producing the most extraordinary warriors, spellcaster but also builders.

They are the one that build the Valyrian roads and the Valyrian towers.

The most unique features of house Azantys is that they are born with black hair and Violet Purple eyes. And the eyes transform red or crimson only when either battling opponents or feeling extreme feelings like sadness or anger.


In the entire history of Valyria the House Azantys has only ever ridden 5 dragons. Each bringing victory to anywhere they fought. But it is extremely hard for them to bond to dragons. Many of the Valyrian Lords mock them for this but they know that when a Azantys ever ride a dragon not only do they bring victory's for the Valyrian Empire but Dread to the Enemies.

But when a Azantys manage to find a bond with a dragon they form a special one. If the other rider died the dragon will also die. If the dragon died the rider will go mad and kill everything they have on sight before eventually exploding.

Though this is a rare occurrence when the ever first rider dragon was killed the rider obliterated a quarter of the ghiscari Empire by himself and exploding taking a good part of the Ghiscari Empire Building.

And when the other Azantys came they went and gather the dragons corpse.

Unlike the other Valyrian dragons when the Azantys bond with a dragon not only it is much stronger it is also magically powerful.

That is the reason why they harvest everything.

Valyrian Weapons

Because of being so close to the makers and inventors of Valyrian steel they gave the House of Azantys tons of weapons made of the Valyrian Steel. But the ones most notable is a armor, a bow, a sword and a staff.

Usually coming from House of Azantys there usual weapons are dragonbone bow , a spear and as last resort a sword.

But this weapons and armor are so famous that there are legends that if you wore it. It will grant you invincibility. But that's just rumours. So first the armor is made out of dragons and valyrian steel. Including the heart, the bones, the blood and the scales it took about two dragons just to make this armor.

When the first two dragons has been harvested and freeze they are finally able to make there ancestral armor. It was made from the very new invention Valyrian steel. So they made a ritual where they need freshly killed 7 Valyrian dragon heart and 13 Solthoryos Wyverns Heart. But first they need to infuse the dragons scale to the Valyrian Steel Armor but in the making of the armor it must be sprinkled with crush dragon bones to make a powder and sprinkle it to the armor.

After that when the armor is cooling 5 barrels full of dragons blood are brought to cool it. After all that work the ritual must be done at the peak of summer and nearby volcano which isn't that much of a problem when there were so near to 14 volcanoes.

And as the ritual goes the wyverns heart becomes smoke and then went to the armor. The armor starts to glow. After that the 7 Valyrian dragons becomes a sludge and said sludge infuse itself to the 2 Dragons Heart as it starts to beat once again and from it spirits of the first two dragons were revealed and then said spirits inhabit the armor. And finally after it is all done what came out is a Black armor with hints of purple and scales. The Helmet is Black Dragon styled.

( Search for Mobzilla with rlcrafts dragon helm armor)

The bow was made with at first some complications because where can they find string strong enough to handle rituals as the head back then was about to give up he heard a rumour at the North that there are spiders the size of 10 horses. So when he heard that he ask for the permission to go the The North.

So the Three leaders back then agreed and task him with if successful create a trade hub for them to visit. So the Azantys Leader went to the North bearing gifts from Valyria and hoping to get them to help him get the spiders location. And hopefully also fulfilling his task for the Valyrian Empire. So the conversation went like this.

500 bc

The Winter King said " Hello I am Benjamin Stark what can my kingdom do to you Valyrian" and looks at you warringly

Daniel Azantys said with a monotone voice" I am here for the Great Valyrian Empire to set up a trade with your people ".

Benjamin Stark thinking 'What the hell kind of speaking is that are you about to die. ' and snaps out of it and said " I am very thankful for this opportunity you have given us but what can we basically trade with you"

Daniel Azantys brightens up thinking ' Yes the task is done ' and said this with a little more energy " Leather, northern lumber, some metals like iron and a land for my people to build a castle fully paid in exchange for some of our crops, food and meat for 20 years in half a price ". As Daniel said that the Stark king eyes brightens up for this is the most opportune time because they had just had a winter and when they were buying to the neighboring kingdoms they had to pay double the price and so many of there people might suffer.

Stark King contemplate and said " I will accept as for the land how about the land where the house glover, mountain clans and Winterfell meets ".

Daniel said " I accept and the first shipment will come when 2 months after I will leave here. And 6 months from now a builder from my house shall come here to build the castle and other things ".

Daniel serious said " The real reason why I came here is to find whether the rumors about spiders the size of wyverns are real or not." and as you said that the Stark king relaxes and said " Yes they are real but you can only find them at beyond the Wall".

And after that they started to talk about anything else. In the following weeks the Stark king follows with you to the beyond the Wall. So they went to house glover and took a boat there after that went to house Mormonts to restock and then finally you arrive.

It took 2 weeks to find the spiders when you finally spotted it Ben shouted said " That things huge ". and you charge in with the Stark king and some of Mormonts men to kill the wyvern size spider. it took a while but you and comrades finally did it.

As you harvested all of the spiders string and finally went home to Valyria and fulfill ing his promise to the starks and sending builders to the North. And luckily the string is powerful enough to receive rituals and your family find out that the string can be used at clothing.

After all that we finally have the final component the string so we finally start the ritual the 3rd heart and 1 eye from the dragon of Azantys house, Three Valyrian Dragon Hearts, 7 eyes of the spider slain, and 13 wyvern hearts.

The Bow is made from 3rd dragon bone with it's blood and finally the string from the ice spider. And as the ritual goes both the eyes and hearts of the wyverns turns to smoke and goes to the bow after that the three Valyrian dragon hearts turned to sludge and mix with the 3rd dragon heart and the eye finally after that the ghostly image of the 3rd dragon appeared.

And then infuses itself to the bow. The resulting of that is a white bow with a tiny bit of blood red.

The Sword was made with Valyrian Steel. Of course in the making of the Valyrian steel the blade was tempered with the blood of the Azantys dragons and sprinkle some dragon bone powder. The ritual goes with the same 1 heart from 4th Azantys dragon and the eyes 7 hearts from the Valyrian dragons and 13 from the Wyverns.

In that day the family discovered that the eyes mix together to make a singular red gem. So the ritual went on and then produce the ghostly 4th Azantys dragon and merged with the sword. Though the Blade was made when a solar eclipse past at the peak of summer gaining the name Omen.

( It looks like Sword of Omens but the panther is replace with dragon)

The chant to activate the Blast is:

Skulls for the Skull Throne

Blood for the Blood God

Bodies for the Baneful One

Souls for the Scythe End

The Staff is a bit special it has all of the remaining components of the 5th Azantys Dragon heart are to be used with a diamond to embed it's essence in it and then all of the remaining parts from 1 to 4th Azantys Dragons are used to further empower the Valyrian steel staff.

A/N Guys Tomorrow I may only send 1 prepared Chapter because of Vaccination

To be continued.