Timeskip ( 5 months ) and Tektopia

Chapter 16

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






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Now in those two months hunting down the " escape animals " and " leading them " to a much bigger herd of cows and sheep. Just right in time of spring. The sunflower seeds are starting to sprout and the farm of the beetroots and the potato are on there way. And for additional I want to set up a Mushroom farm at a cave nearby that is also connected to the castle. Now why mushroom well they grow really well when its winter or at fall so perfect for backup food when things go rough.

Now the crossbreeding may take a while but I am confident that the product will be amazing now the benefits of this is that the cow and sheep will be bred with the local aurochs and sheep population. To produce a much bigger much tastier beef, flavorful milk and tough leather. For the sheep its to produce much comfortable wool and a much tastier mutton than before.

There I enacted my next plans I called for my servants to summon all the nearest farmer families and the herder. There I receive about 50 of them when I was ask why they were here.

One of the farmer.

Farmer John stutteringly ask " Mi-Milord wh-why are we here "

Mark confident" Nothing Much I would just give you these specific wheat seeds that I believe is much more resistant to the elements and has a much higher yield than the ones were using at the fields. And Now why would I summon the rest of you well for some .Not All. Just half of you to both well take care of the mushroom farm and the what you people may call Weed Rocks now named Potatoes and another where I found it just planted at the Wolfwoods which I like to call Beetroots that makes for a filling soup or meal. And the rest are for the wheat. "

Farmer John questions " Milord are you talking about those huge stone like plants. Are they really edible "

There I ordered my servants to give the farmer along with the family to taste the baked potatoes and the beetroot soup. Faces of surprise shows in there faces when presented with the baked potatoes.

Mark " Now for the herders I would like for you to breed the newly found cows and sheep for I discovered that the milk and wool are much tasty milk and vibrant wool. Now you do not have to worry for I have solution for the feed. Now the feed is the seeds that I just gave to the farmer to grow wheats. I will give each of you haybales that will last for a year until the wheats that the farmer have grown can support you. Now I expect that it will last 5 years for it to support and spread the wheat seeds into the parts of the land but do not worry for that. "

I give the Herders the haybale that will last them for 3 months to feed the local and the "newly" found animals and call upon me when the 3 months past so I can replenish them for another 3 months and after winter I will give them 6 months worth of haybales.

Now with this confident that the farm and crossbreeding things will have positive results. I went to my mother to present a "new" invention that I like to call blast furnace that can smelt any minerals twice the speed.

My mother Selene ask " Who invented this ".

I answered " I am mother but the idea was given to me by a dream like the other things like the oil mill. "

Impressed with that she ask me how many do I have I said to her I have about 10 blast furnace 2 for us and the other are for her to give to the ones farther away.

The oil mill is still being shelve for we still do not have the resources but the manual oil seed extractor in on its way it is supposed to be manned by two people to extract the oil by pushing. And selling the produce at our trade market.

Now within those time I visited the Wolfswood either at night using elytra at the middle and the farthest place at the land for I planted and spawned. The plants are pumpkin, carrots , and most importantly sweet berries. That I will " find or discover " when I go out "hunting" wink* wink*. For the things that I spawned are the foxes, chicken and rabbits for "hunting" nudge*nudge. Out of all of this the most important is the Sweet Berry for it can grow even in winter.

So I lead my men with me to hunt at the peak of spring for "fun" when we reach the forest w- well they were greeted the sight of dozens of pumpkins growing at a patch along with carrots and sweet berry bush. And they see a couple of chickens and rabbits running around and stalking them are a small group of foxes. The most peculiar however when they see the bamboo forest. There I ordered my men to collect some of those bushes and those chicken. Luckily they didn't uproot every sweet berry bush. Now do you know the food cycle.

Food Cycle - a group of food chains constituting all or a significant part of the food relations that enable survival of the population of a community.


Yep that was basically what I did with the sweet berry bush keep producing berries for the rabbits the population will boom with the foxes keeping them in check and when the foxes has a over population well I do not need to worry because there are other predators here that can keep them in check.

With that my men came home with the bush which then was planted at the glasshouse and the chicken was place at the chicken coop. Plans starting to form cause of the sweet berry I am pretty sure I can make a juice with this and maybe just maybe I can make a alcohol with this.

A/N Who am I kidding yes to alcohol

Now since when I decided to enter the Minecraft world to finally get the Tektopia village started.

System [ Would Host like to install the Tektopia by Tango Tek and Implement them at a already existing World. ]

Mark resolutely " Yes "

System [ It might take the full night to install and implement them. Would you still like to continue. ]

Mark " Yes "

System [ Installing Tektopia







9 hrs remaining ]

With that I actually slept for the first time at the Real World.


This is the few times that I actually slept at the real world instead of the Minecraft world

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Just Another SI by justanotherfan217