Timeskip ( 5 years ) Second Year and Pam's Harvestcraft

Chapter 21

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -1,069,420

From Now on I will do this



to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 7

There Will be more Time skip until age 10

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Dear Diary

This will be my second year of the projects

Now as news of the success of the potato and beets. My house was ordered to give some of the beets to other houses so we gifted them to the House Hornwood.

House Hornwood of Hornwood is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their lands are southeast of Winterfell, located in a forested region. Their stronghold is a castle that is also called Hornwood. The Hornwood lands border the holdings of House Manderly to the south and House Bolton to the northeast. The Hornwood sigil is a black moose head on an orange field. Their house words are "Righteous in Wrath." They accompanied Robb Stark when he called his bannermen. House Hornwood were also one of the few Northern houses to answer the call of Jon Snow's efforts to retake Winterfell, and subsequently fought in the Battle of the Bastards.

The potatoes however is technically was given to the House of Tallhart

House Tallhart of Torrhen's Square is a noble house from the north and is among the principal houses sworn to House Stark. Ser Helman Tallhart is the Master of Torrhen's Square, which is located southwest of Winterfell. Their arms show three green sentinel trees, over a brown field. The words of the house do not appear in the books, but according to a semi-canon source they are "Proud and Free".

My House actually pitied the House Tallhart because when the news went out about the potatoes that if you leave it at winter you can expect that it can double the amount when spring came and also it's fast growing especially the one from my Minecraft Crops. You can bet your asses that the Houses of the North to make a small farm for them though understandable but the profit that they make is mostly gonna be negligible so with that I ask my mother to give them a schematic for the Vodka and with a Book on how to make vodka. Titled " Guide to Making Vodka ". Explaining what is a Vodka is a clear distilled alcoholic beverage from Europe. It has different varieties originating in Poland, Russia and Sweden. It is composed primarily of water and ethanol, but sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings

A/N Is there such a book?

My mother Selene manage to hide the new wheat, the sunflower fields and the sweetberry. Though the Stark did ask what's with the Sunflower Fields my mother Selene said we have a project involving with the Sunflower directly giving them a tour around the Garden House to avoid the sweetberry. There were some close calls luckily the servants picked all the berries. The Stark That visited us is named Aging Bennard Stark along with his son the Rickard Stark the soon to be future King Of the North and the father of King Torrhen Stark, also known as the King Who Knelt, was an ancestor of House Stark who, as King in the North, bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror in the War of Conquest.

A/N I made this shit up who is the father of the king who knelt?

With that done the good news is that just like the potatoes turning into Vodka I manage to make a Wine out of the Sweetberry. It taste really sweet and the aroma or the smell when opened is just like a freshly made strawberry syrup. And I successfully made a Sweet Berry Ice Cream that my mother Selene enjoyed. Now when I'm bored I made the Dungeon's and Dragon's 5e edition along with couple number of books and manga like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Naruto, JoJo bizarre adventure, Dragonballs, Yakitate Japan, Cooking Master Boy or Chūka Ichiban!, Food Wars, and One Piece. All of the character drawings are done I just need more time for the actual manga luckily I have the Minecraft World along with the experiences of Engineers helping me draw. With this along with the Engineer's Guide to Everything and How to make Gourmet Meals will be the written and Visual legacy of Mark Richwood hopefully I will also do music producer even with the [ Genius ] perk my singing is ok at best so I can't actually do any of the really popular songs.

Now the Legends of the Flying Miner still continues though I do need to stop at some point cause of the incoming Projects at the Minecraft world. So with one last time until I needed it for future plans I have done my last flight and with the last flight is my entry at the Forest of Wolfswood and putting tons of bees along with its hives.I circled all around the North for people to see along the way I as the Flying Miner encountered or actually spotted a Ironborn Ship about to attack Rich Pearl the village in my territory responsible for fishing and transporting passengers to Bear Island or Hardhome and suppose to also have some war galleys now that I look at it there are many holes and cracks at the wood. So with that I bought tons of tnt and bomb the ever leaving shit out of the Ironborn Ship waking up the village and for my last act I bought another MC for a stack of boats and spread them all around the coast.

The boats looks like a wooden skiff with paddles and big enough for two people and if they put a sail at the they technically have a small boat. That is last act as the Flying Miner from now on until I needed it again.



Half of this year I finally manage to complete and meet my required villagers of course it is constantly being attack by Hostile Mobs with the Appearance of the Necromancers. Though the good note is that the theory was correct in the nether the Villagers can mine the Ancient Scrap and turn it into Netherite Which I constantly needed to supply them with blocks of Diamonds and Blocks of Iron instead of just Ingots cause it is most likely will be the last place I visited.

Now in the remaining half of the year I finally installed the Pam's Harvestcraft with this the changes at the Farmer, Butcher, Lumberjack, Rancher and the Chef. Along with it's addons I cannot eat the same food anymore making me eat diverse foods and I learned that in the hard way it kinda does the same with the villagers but they have much more tolerance into it though if they eat like a 3 months worth of the same food they will get sick and not do there work so gotta be careful with that.

So I decided to do first the rancher and butcher at the same time for they need to have the new animal. The Turkey and the Deer to produce turkey and venison. Luckily I can buy it's spawn eggs and just put it at the ranch.

The other thing that I did was collect the other fruits and vegetables and trees don't forget about the trees. And you may ask why wouldn't you just buy it at the trade. Well for one I actually cannot buy it. Number two there is no number two that's it. So for untold amount of years in[ Minecraft ]. Collecting . Is what I did for so many years. And when I manage to finally did it to collect them my realization I'm gonna make a farm of this magnitude on so many trees, fruits and vegetables I have to make farms for them so I started with the easiest one I'M GONNA MAKE A KITCHEN I AM NOT GONNA TOUCH THE FARM UNTIL I MAKE THE KITCHEN. For if I started with the farm I may go crazy with the amount.

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Super recommended

God-Emperor of Essos and beyond (DISCONTINUED) By Paperpuscher 101





Hey Guys Suggest a Musicians

Mine are these: Barn's Courtney , Sub Urban , Skillet