Powers of the lords


-Ramsey Bolton

- Bone Manipulation and Suppose to be like logan but with the poison the regeneration turned into Minor Regeneration

The user can use his very bones as weapons or projectiles of course the downside if the user does not have any regeneration it is not advise to use because the blood loss will be severe. The White Bones can have the durability of Steel

Thanks to SeptaesmusMerideaus


-Tenzin Manderly

- Air Manipulation

The user can manipulate the very air but the downside is the user must execute certain movements.

Thanks to Devon_Stamper


-Merida Mormont

- Can Shape Shift into a 15 Foot Bear in this state the user is lead only by instincts or a corporeal one that enhances everything and makes the user wilder in a sence. But has passively a minor strength just enough to crush or cut a huge boulder with a weapon.

Thanks to Vincent_Groenewald


-Annie Glover

- Light Manipulation

The user can create, shape and manipulate visible light. The Downside is that there must be light.


- Peter Reed

- Invisibility and Super Human Sense

Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen.

The Sense acts like Spiderman danger sense and enhances every senses like smell, touch, and etc.

Thanks to Devon_Stamper


-Lin Dustin

Earth Manipulation

- Just like the Air Manipulation as well as downsides

Thanks to SeptaesmusMeridaeus


-Arthur Ryswell

- Eagle Sight and Minor imbuement

The Sight increases by a major margin compared to the Super Human Senses by the Reeds and if mastered enough they can execute the move Dead Eye from the Red Dead Redemption. And with a little more magic the user can imbue to strengthen them.


-Eren Umber

- Giant Size Manipulation

The User can enlarge there arms or legs into giant size granting them super strength. But with enough mastery they can turn into a 25 foot Giant.