Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this



to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 14

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The things that Mark have done are making new Runes and Potions. First off the runes are a combination of Spells, Artefact Effects and Enchantments using a combination of language of Minecraftian Enchantment Language, First Tongue and High Valyrian. Mark documented this for future use to the makings of artefacts, enchants for tools and armor, and wards.

Mark cannot actually make a artefact here at the Minecraft world but outside or the upcoming forge when he turns 15 where he can make artefacts. But to put things in perspective on how valuable this knowledge is the things here at the Minecraft world has only one effect per artefact like the Peculiar Watch with the Spell [Slow Time] stops time for 12 Hours and then resumes time. The artefacts that was either traded or made by the Wizards and Witches they can only trade the artefacts with one effect. In the entire Westeros and Essos the artefacts of note are just the Ancestral Weapons and Armor in which is a league on its' own without enchantments the weapons and armor has tons of abilities which can be improve with the Enchantments and the Runes. Mark notice this when he receives the Ancestral Bow [ Star Piercer ]

Star Piercer

- Observation Haki

- Danger Sense

- Enhance Sight

- Any Arrows from this can pierce walls

The Bow when placed within the Enchantment table to Mark surprise it can be enchanted so he concluded that he can also enchant the other weapons. Now to proved that with this manual or grimoire he needs evidence that he can make a artefact. With this in mind he went forth and made one which turned out to be a success and a failure. First to make this artefact he needs two components:

Amulet of Warding[Uncommon]

- Reduces all incoming magic damage by 10%

Wither Pearl Amulet[Epic]

- Grants total immunity to wither effects

With that as the base he works on the arcane workbench with a newly bought golden necklace at the center of the workbench which the only positive thing about the gold in which gold is much susceptible to enchants and magic. With that on the way he strengthened it by enchants and spells All types of Protection, Unbreaking, The Spell [ Greater Ward ] and [ Shield ]. With all of this he made a Amulet of Necromancer's Bane

- Grants a 50% reduce damage from all types of Necromancers Spell and All types of Mind Spells will not effect the user.

A success but at the same time it granted the protection from the spells but not the immunity from the epic. The Effect is only one which is very much useful but it is deceptively one effect because Mark was intending a additional effect of a Shield happening when a necromancers cast a spell making the spell null. But you learn and this is afterall the first artefact that I made and proving that it can be made better I just need more practice and preferably not at the [ ASOIAF ] world just yet. Hopefully the Forge grants the Time Dilation just like the game. But with this knowledge how can improve my gear is a question when I have a necessary set up.

Now as for the Potions Mark discovered this with a slight accident. You know his Family House Sigil

A volcano at the middle, Storm Clouds at the very top, A tornado at the left , a tsunami at the right and then at the bottom of the volcano is a green hill with one golden tree with golden apples.

Specifically the Golden apples represent that there is fortune in every disaster and to look forward to it. Well remember the Minecraft World has a Golden Apples and Enchanted Golden Apples and in the Pam's Harvestcraft Mod when a sapling of any kind is surrounded with 3 of any fruit, vegetable or seasoning let's say a cinnamon.

With that you can make a cinnamon tree so Mark ask himself how about a Golden Apple Tree of course it did not work but there's an idea and when he learned with the [Program] Spell that can interact this World and it may not completely rewrite the world and add new mods like Ice and Fire Mod but he can however effect smaller things like say a plant that can attack with it's branches, or a mandrake. Yeah with the knowledge that he can make a literal golden apple tree he went ham. Now he found out that none of the saplings has the right capacity to bore it's fruit but then Mark thought of the Golden Apple being well made out of Gold so he thought how about the Ironwood Sapling and with the spell [Program] make it instead to Goldwood Sapling instead. It was a success and Mark Made a Golden Apple Tree along with the Enchanted Golden Apple Tree the difference being the time it takes to grow and mature. With that though he [Program] it extensively to Grow at the Richwood Lands only and not any other place.

Now with this knowledge that he can program the mobs and plants he decided to make some of the creatures from Harry Potter World and Some Mythical Beings. The Re'em which I [Program] with the Cow was a magical beast native to the wilds of North America and the Far East. The Re'em was extremely rare, resembling giant Ox with a golden hide. Re'em blood gave immense strength to the drinker for a limited time.

The Golden Sheep where it produce the fabled Golden Fleece ( is the fleece of the golden-woolled, winged ram, Chrysomallos, which was held in Colchis. The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship. Note if something slays this and collects the wool or to make a fleece nothing will happen it is a sheep with golden wool and the horns and blood are only things that have some use in magic to be specific in potion making

The Unicorn was a white horse with a horn sticking out of its head. An iconic creature of magic, the existence of unicorns was one of the worst-kept secrets of the wizarding world, as unicorns were inextricably associated with magic in the Muggle world. These majestic equines possessed potent magical properties, with their tail hairs being designed by Garrick Ollivander as one of the "Supreme Cores," which was a distinction shared by only two other beasts. And with the other being the spell of [Summon Phoenix] and the Dragon Egg which Mark use the [Program] to make it similar to the one's at the Ice and Fire Mod. Now my companions my Dog Arcanine, And My Horse Rapidash that resembles there pokemon counterparts. This are examples of what he can bring out but this three animals the Re'em, The Golden Sheep and the unicorn will be given to the family of Umber, Bolton and Ryswell.

The 6 Iron Golems which has the Rune called [ Growth ] and [ Adapt ] and [Assimilation ] which can adapt and grow to any situation and assimilate any tech or material discarding the useless parts to further improve itself. With the added knowledge of 6 certain maids from a anime show.

Now in the potions category Mark made two potions that will bring great benefit. A potion that replicates the Super Soldier Serum and A potion with Muzan's Blood that can be past on to the next generation.

Along with the discovery that regeneration 1 - 3 is consider a Minor Regeneration because it needs to be compensated with either food or time when a major cut like a massive cut across the torso the victim may still survive if given the time the benefits of the Regeneration is to combat foreign germs and gives a boost to the stamina. The Regeneration 4-5 or any healing spell at the level of advance can immediately patch up a massive cut though to regrow organs the person must possess a certain requirement or must drink something to enhance its capabilities without the need of spells.

The Training of the techniques is getting along smoothly because of the increasing danger of the Demons the rate that Mark fights is increasing with the Demons managing to learn the Haki from the Villagers and the Demon Slayer. Add that to one of the few things that can hurt them: Wisteria, Sunlight, Nichirin Blade, Curse of Kibutsuji and now Haki. Even thought it can kill them the use of Haki is to hard to pass. Both the Hostiles especially the Necromancers and Demons exhibit a attitude or emotions with sign of intelligence as well as my villagers and Demon Slayers. This tells that it is almost time to bring them out to cause chaos and destruction.

Along the Way Mark manage to acquire the last Breathing technique that he needs and make a Technique with the Sun Breathing Technique.

Self Made Technique

Dragon Raising its Head - A Upward Horizontal Slash that unleash a fire dragon that can be controlled by the user.

Solar Flare - Release a Blinding light that blinds your enemies. Uses Ripple to further the effect and may cause the surrounding to flourish in plant life.

The Last Breathing Technique that he will incorporate is The Moon Breathing:

First Form: Dark Moon - Evening Palace - Kokushibo draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a single motion; like with all Moon Breathing techniques, numerous chaotic crescent blades originate from the slash. This technique is reminiscent of Iaijutsu.

Second Form: Pearl Flowers Moongazing - Kokushibo performs several slashes that defend him from incoming attacks while also creating a barrage of crescent blades.

Third Form: Loathsome Moon - Chains Kokushibo swings his sword rapidly in two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread. This technique causes huge destruction in a small area.

Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy - Kokushibo makes multiple curved slashes layered over one another, resembling a rising vortex. Sanemi Shinazugawa noted that Kokushibo performed this attack without swinging his blade.

Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant - Kokushibo releases a wild barrage of crescent-shaped slashes in front of him. This technique was powerful enough to not only slice up multiple Hashira around him but also overwhelm the Wind Hashira Sanemi Shinazugawa.

Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune - Moonlit - Kokushibo swings his sword in a powerful frontal slash that then creates a multi-directional frontal assault, powerful enough to create several deep gouges in the ground and push back two Hashira.

Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail - Kokushibo triples the range of his normal attack radius and creates a singular gigantic slash that slowly decreases in size.

Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths - Kokushibo creates a seemingly endless stream of claw-like vertical and horizontal slashes, capable of cutting down his intended target from a long range.

Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes - Moon Through Bamboo Leaves - Kokushibo creates a triple-layered slash twister, capable of mowing down his targets into three clean pieces.

Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe - Tenman Crescent Moon - One of the Moon Breathing's most powerful techniques. An advanced and more powerful version of Kokushibo's Moon Breathing: Fifth Form. He swings his sword and creates a chaotic vortex of powerful omni-directional slashes that destroys whatever is caught up within its attack radius.

Sixteenth Form: Moonbow - Half Moon - Possibly the Moon Breathing's most powerful technique. Kokushibo creates a barrage of downward crescent slashes, resulting in a powerful sixfold slash crashing down on his opponents; the attack itself is powerful enough to create several miniature craters where the slashes have landed. As this technique is so wide-ranged, it can easily surround and overwhelm multiple enemies at once.

With this the Oden Nitoryu is semi complete because after all he needs to master this new Breath and the Upper Moon Rank 1 Kokushibo is pretty much piss at me because I do need to kill him for the Sword so I can learn his Breathing Style.

My Demon Slayer Mark is a Sun within it is a Dark silhouette of a Crescent Moon located at my left chest where my heart resides there are sun flames all over my torso.

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Fanfiction Recommendation

Bet of Dragons by Longclaw 1-6
