Braavos Here We Go

Chapter 45

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 15

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Braavos is one of the Free Cities located to the east of Westeros. It is the northern-most, the richest, and arguably the most powerful of the Free Cities. Described as a city of seafarers and master swordsmen which maybe challenge soon by the North, Braavos consists of hundreds of tiny islands connected by stone bridges. Its main landmarks include the Titan of Braavos, the House of Black and White and the city's famed Iron Bank.


Of the nine Free Cities in western Essos, Braavos is unique in that it was not founded as a colony of the Valyrian Freehold. The city was established by a large group of slaves, who overpowered their Valyrian captors and took control of the ships that were transporting them. Knowing they would be severely punished for such an act of rebellion, the slaves sought a refuge as far away from the Freehold as possible. Braavosi histories claim that a group of wise women-priestesses who followed the religion of the Moonsingers-prophesied where they would find sanctuary; in a distant lagoon surrounded by pine-clad slopes, where the thick fog would help conceal the refugees from passing dragonriders. It was to just such a place that the refugees ultimately arrived, and their city began to expand across the many islands and mudflats that dotted the lagoon.

For more than a century, Braavos remained hidden from the world: to disguise their stolen Valyrian ships, the refugees used a dye derived from a local species of snail to stain the hulls and sails of their ships a deep purple (a practice that the Braavosi continue to use on their ships in the present-day). Fearing recapture, the founders of the city took great pains to keep its existence secret, presenting false information to any outsiders when questioned about their homeland. Eventually, the city's elected leader-known as the Sealord-sent ships across the world to proclaim the existence of Braavos, an event known as the Unmasking and celebrated every year since with ten days of feasting and revelry. After the Doom of Valyria, Braavos rose to even greater prominence, becoming a major trade and banking center. The Iron Bank became the greatest single repository of wealth in the known world, and to the present-day everyone from princes to merchants frequent it to request loans of gold.

The Most Notable are the Structures and Buildings are The Titan of Braavos, The Iron Bank, House of Black and White, Arsenal of Braavos, and the most prominent religious building at braavos the Temple of Moonsingers.

The Moonsingers are the priestesses in the religion of the Jogos Nhai people. They are also present in the Free City of Braavos, because some of the escaped slaves from the Valyrian Freehold that founded Braavos were Jogos Nhai.

The Faceless Men are a guild of assassins based in the Free City of Braavos, though their members range far and wide across both Essos and Westeros. They command exorbitant fees, but have a reputation for success that is unparalleled by any comparable organization.

They consider themselves servants of the Many-Faced God, a god of death who is unknowingly worshiped by all religions in the world, in the form of one god or another. The weirwood Face for the Old Gods of the Forest and the Stranger of the Faith of the Seven are two such deities. Faceless Men are trained to relinquish their former identities and become "no one", which allows them to become entirely different people, all in service to the Many-Faced God. They also believe that, as servants of death, they must serve above all else and that they must deliver upon certain people the "gift" of death.

Now the Netizens of Braavos is greeted with the sight of the very first Galleon "The Black Pearl" along with Brigantines filled with supplies like the Spider Silk. The intimidating ship docks at one of there ports many Braavosi Children ran towards it to get a better look and they saw that the Sealord and Representatives of the Iron Bank came with them to greet there long old trade partner the Richwood's. The Kids were shooed away for they were gonna meet a very important person.

There they saw a well built young man leading his crew to transport the goods to there designated area. The young man notices them with a final command to the crew to hurry it up he went to them with a smile and said " Hello I am Mark Richwood here to deliver the promised goods "

The Sealord eyes the black castle on water ship and the brigantines with interest " This ships is marvelous you have got to tell me who built it "

Mark Richwood smiles " Oh that would be my shipbuilders that built this beautiful ships "

A person from the crew said from there back says " Yeah them shipbuilders made it but they didn't design this marvelous beauty. The designs came from the Young Lord Mind wish I have that much knowledge then again I don't want to become a Maester or any of it's equivalent and I'll probably be dead drunk to properly use it to this new type of alcohol my young lord made from sugarcane of all things. I think it's called rum. "

The Young Lord turned around and says " Ah Captain Jack how are the transportation of goods"

Captain Jack says wiggling his fingers to the young lord who just rolls his eyes "It's Captain Jack Sparrow my young lord and were about to transport the paper and glass gotta be careful with handling them things."

The eyes of the Representative of Braavos shines a bit and then immediately dims" My Lord You Have Glass the people of myr will not be happy about this and may send you some assassins' to dispose of you to keep there monopoly. "

Mark simply says with a grin on his face " Let them try "

As Mark introduces the Brigantines and Galleon to the Sealord at dinner time and there various new goods like the pearls and such. And when the time for him to sleep he sense something with his Haki and turn around to look everywhere at the dining table then he looks at a servant girl with various types of drinks there eyes met Mark thinks ' A Faceless Men or is women I don't know '. The servant girl looks at him slightly surprise that she was found out.

With that he simply went to his room and simply waited for the entire evening until he felt the same sensation of not to say nothingness but much more like blankness or dull aura's meaning the servant girl is with someone coming off of her near him Mark Simply thinks ' Huh with that kind off aura there actually very easy to find even with the starting level of kenbunshouko haki can find them easily there aura is so bland that it actually stands out more that the normal people .' Then he looks at the opened window then looks away for a second then looks back there standing is the same servant girl with her master standing at the window.

Mark says to them " Did someone already hired you to kill if then wow those Myrish folk are fast. Well let me introduce myself to you my name is Mark Richwood. " He just sits at his bed at the guest house of the Sealord completely not disturb about the fact that someone sent a assassins to him but just amazement on how fast the news travel.

The Master of the Servant Girl said " Well for the pleasantries my name is Maria Antoinette and this is my pupil Janice De Blu'. And no one ask us yet to give you a gift Blessed One."

Mark perks up a little and ask " Blessed One?"

Maria said with a blank face " Yes Blessed One because my God told us Faceless that you have already been given the Gift and now resides once again at the living "

Mark nods at that and says " Well then what are you here for ?"

Janice the one that has kept quite suddenly said " The Faceless God told us that you will teach us new things to fight an incoming danger along with the Moonsingers who has seen your coming along with the darkness we are soon gonna be facing ."

With that Mark gave them the Breath Styles for the Water, Flower, Serpent and Insect Breathing Styles and simply said " In this books are the Breath Styles that will help greatly but you can only master one Breath Style and this are all variation from my own the Sun Breath and you may need a special ore to make blade but since giving you guys this blades will be very beneficial for the future so I will provide you guys with 100 of this Blades along with teaching some of your own to forge new blades. And tomorrow when I visit you at your island I will teach you guys not to stick out like a sore thumb and how to enhance your blades. "

So Mark is planning to teach them some Haki, Magic and Breath Styles probably some martial arts thrown in there and Rokushiki and Fishman Karate. Mark is luckily gonna stay here for the Next 6 Months teaching the Faceless Men to adequate level of Journeyman and him teaching the priestess healing magic and Sorcery for the Faceless Men.

Mastery [ Fighter and Magicians ]

Novice--> Intermediate--> Journeyman [ Only Fighter ]--> Advance--> Master.

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Fanfiction Super Recommendation

The Nobody of Ever After High By: Cloud4012

Someone actually made a trailer so here's a link made by SuperHeroTime27
