Huh Well Would you look at that

Chapter 53

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 17

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As Mark nears the Belial Broken tower in the direction to the upper one where it split off. There he manage to find some Valyrian Magic Books and a lot of Dragon Parts which will help me make a Dragon Forge. Now you may have been asking where do I store this essential materials well with the mix of Inventory and the spell [ Vanishing Box ] now regular people do not have any Inventory to compensate that there is the spell which replicates the effect of the Ender Chest. Ender chests are a type of chest whose contents are exclusive to each player, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. But in the ASOIAF World without the Null Spells there is a Fixed Size. It is 12 feet in Height, 9.6 feet in Length and 8 feet in Width it is about the size of a small room. This is the reason why Mark is so fixated in the Spell [ Vanishing Box ] followed with the [ Pocket Workbench ] and [ Pocket Furnace ] where they can spawn a small workbench and a furnace for cooking or for smelting. And the reason why is that this spell does not need any of the component of the Ender Chest or to Craft one to activate this spell. Now I did manage to invent a spell called [ Familiar ] it functions as the same as the Pokemon where the Max Capacity is 6 per person but here the regular one seems to be 10 per person So in my roster are the: Fire Dragon, Phoenix, Frost Juggernaut, Arcanine, Rapidash, Gyarados, Blaziken, Togekiss, Chomper and Dryad. This are my familiars the Rapidash, Gyarados, Blaziken and Togekiss looks a lot like there Mega Evolution form.

Fire Dragons are one of the three species of dragons that roam the Overworld. They are most famously known for their deadly fire and flight abilities, as well as their formidable reputation. Fire dragons have nine natural attacks, all of which can dispatch a player with ease. As well as this, they progress through five stages of development, where they grow larger, stronger, and more terrifying. Mine is Stage Five with my dragon also knowing magic especially once again Fire and Sorcery along with Haki and Rokushiki. Also this dragon two trump cards.

The phoenix is a long-lived, immortal bird associated with Greek mythology that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Mark manage to bind this with the spell from the familiar called [ Bind Familiar ] to the spell [ Summon Phoenix ]. There is a major difference in the spells if you bind a animal to you the summoned animal will gain a anchor here at the world of course since it is also a sentient being it can reject the spell and just be disperse when the spell ends and return back to what I like to call Summon Dimension. If the summoned animal accepts it will be bound to you until you die. There is a benefit though [ Summon Phoenix ] cannot produce or leave any remnant well except the scorch marks or it willingly gave it to you it's feather or tears other than that the remains will not remain so not unlimited Phoenix Tears for you or Blaze Rods. Fire and Healing are it's specialties though it does know haki and Rokushiki for added power.

Frost Juggernaut the Spell that involves a Spell Chain. This has some close similarities to the Pokemon known as Golurk. Golurk is a bipedal automaton Pokémon resembling a suit of armor. It said to have been invented by ancient people to serve as a laborer. It is mainly teal in color with yellow swirls on its shoulders and hands. It has a small head compared to its body, and pale yellow eyes, one of which turns to its left at the bottom, unlike Golett's eye, which turns right. It has a crystal-like formation on each shoulder, and there are large bangles on its wrists and ankles. It has a Roman armor-like "skirt" and flat feet beneath. And also has a Axe for a weapon along with it's fist. This type is a Steel/Ground/Ghost/Ice/ Type Familiar. Mark manage it to learn Haki, Rokushiki and Hasshoken along with the spell mastery of Sorcery, Necromancy and Ice.

Arcanine is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with an orange pelt marked by jagged black stripes. It has diamond-shaped ears with beige insides, black eyes, a round, black nose, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. Its head, muzzle, and chest are covered in shaggy, beige fur, except for two oval sections around each eye and ear. Long tufts of fur grow behind its elbows and around its ankles. Its underside is black, and it has a billowing, beige tail that is bent in the middle. Each paw has three toes and a round, pink pad. Arcanine is a fiercely brave and loyal Pokémon. It is capable of running 6,200 miles (10,000 kilometers) in 24 hours with a speed and grace reminiscent of flight. Mark manage to get this by transforming his wolf into this. Mark manage to make it learn Fire and Sorcery along with Rokushiki, Haki and Electro

Rapidash is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur and a pointed horn on its forehead. It has small, red eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames stream from the back of its head to form a long, flowing mane. A short version of the mane trails down its back to its equally fiery tail. Flames are also present on its fetlocks. It has slender legs, each with a single black hoof. Rapidash is a very agile Pokémon. It runs at about 150 mph (240 km/h), chasing everything that moves in hopes of racing it. With incredible acceleration, it reaches its top speed in only ten steps. At full gallop, its hooves barely touch the ground. The faster Rapidash goes, the longer the swaying flames of its mane will become. At an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, a feature that is said to enhance its beautiful appearance. This one looks a lot like the Mega Evolution where it looks like it's a combination of a Fiery Unicorn and a Pegasus. This one knows the spell from Earth, Fire and Sorcery along with the Rokushiki and Haki.

Gyarados is a serpentine Pokémon with a long body covered in slightly overlapping scales. It is mostly blue with a yellow underbelly, and it has a row of yellow spots down each side. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four pointed teeth and yellow lips. It has one barbel and a small white fin on each side of its face. The barbells are white on a female and tan on a male. It has small, red eyes, a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head, and four white, spiky dorsal fins. Gyarados's tail fin is similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points. The process of evolution causes a change in its brain structure that is believed to cause its violent nature. Gyarados's fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel. Gyarados is feared for its fierce temper and wanton destructive tendencies. It appears in times of conflict and destroys the surrounding area. Its rampages have been known to last a month at a time. When it Mega Evolves, Gyarados becomes bulkier. The fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a yellow tint. Its crest is larger and black, and its barbels also gain considerable length. A large spike extends downward underneath its chin, and it now has a black underside with a red stripe around the edges. The yellow spots along its body are replaced by raised red scales, which propel Mega Gyarados through the water. Two large yellow fins with blue spines appear on its back. Most of the other fins along its back disappear, replaced by two rows of blue spikes. This one knows Ice, Sorcery and Lightning along with Haki

Blaziken is a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. The majority of Blaziken's body is red with accents of beige, yellow, and gray. Behind its head, there are beige, hair-like feathers that continue downward and surround its chest and abdomen. It has a small red face with a V-shaped crest on its head. Blaziken's blue eyes are semicircular with yellow sclerae, and its mouth is similar to a hooked beak. It has featherless, gray hands with three fingers each, and three clawed toes that are not normally visible due to the shaggy, yellow feathers on the bottom of its legs. A female has a shorter mask and hair than a male. Blaziken has strong, muscular legs that give it great lower body strength. This lower body strength helps its kicking and jumping abilities. Blaziken's wrists have gray wristband-like markings capable of producing a tuft of fire above them. Blaziken can also make flames spout from its ankles. This allows it to cloak its feet or fists, and it uses these abilities while practicing a form of martial art. These combined abilities allow it to use its former signature move, Blaze Kick. As Mega Blaziken, it loses its yellow markings and gains black markings on its upper legs and chest. Its hair-like feathers take on a wing-like shape and point upward, and the portion around its chest is rough around its shoulders. The crest on its head changes into a flat horn that curves backward. The fire it creates on its wrists is now longer. When Blaziken Mega Evolves into Mega Blaziken, it further hones the power of its kicks, always a source of pride to it. As it unleashes a flurry of savage kicks, its legs can begin to burn from the friction of the surrounding atmosphere. As Mega Blaziken's body temperature increases, its power and speed continue to ramp up. But with this it knows the Diable Jiambe, Ripple, Full Contact Karate, Rokushiki and Haki.

Togekiss is a white, avian Pokémon with an ovoid body. While its feet are small and situated closely together, its wings are broad and triangular. Red and blue triangular markings over its underside, and it has a short tail consisting of three feathers. On the back of its head are three spikes: a red-tipped one on the right, a blue-tipped one on the left, and a pure white one in the middle. Togekiss has a relatively flat face and small, black eyes. Togekiss have long been known worldwide as bringers of blessings, being depicted on good-luck charms since ancient times. However, they only appear in peaceful places and have never been witnessed anywhere near conflict or turmoil, making their recent sightings exceptionally rare. It shares many kind gifts and sweet blessings when it visits peaceful places or sees people who avoid strife and respect the rights of others. This One knows Healing Haki and Electro .

Chomper is a plant in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. Much like in the original game, he can eat zombies to instantly vanquish them, as he is a close combat fighter. This is a powerful ability, but as a drawback, most of the Chompers have no ranged attack, except Goop, which is meant to slow enemies rather than damage them. When the Chomper swallows a zombie, there is a short cooldown during which he can neither attack nor move as quickly as normally. This one knows Earth, Necromancer and Sorcery Spells to compensate the lack or range along with it along with it can grow to enormous size that in can eat a Gargantuan Zombie along with the special thing called Naga Tooth in it's making this Chomper is a lot more powerful than normal. This came from Mowzie Mobs just modified and can move along with spells.

Dryad appeared to be beautiful women with delicate features seemingly made of soft wood. Their hair seemed to be made of leaves and foliage that changed color with the seasons of the calendar. During the spring and summer months, the hair of a dryad was lush and green, while during autumn it turned red and eventually brown in the winter. Dryads preferred to live away from civilization, delighting in the savage wilderness away from those that sought to cut their trees. They lived with respect to nature and accepted the company of those that did so as well. Attractive men who were fond of nature were often taken in by a dryad as both her mate and guardian. Dryads were generally benign, and attempted to warn off intruders. Only those who were particularly cruel and determined to destroy a dryad's forest saw the full wrath of these fey. This one knows tons of spells from the nature specially though this knows a lot of spell from the Earth and Healing primarily this is the Healer though it does know Haki, Rokushiki and Fishman Karate. This one came from the Summon Dimension

Mark can simultaneously summon them all at once.

With that he summoned Jean the Dragon to commemorate the memory of the Ender Dragon along with Arcanine and Blaziken.

So he prepared himself then with his familiar while he cancels the spell for the [ Army of Woes ] and place the Barakoana Band to guard the base of the Tower. There he step forth to the tower to face on what has become to the Bastard that cause this.

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The Name came from this Jean