Author [ HeavenlyMarks ]

Hi guys as you have seen from the previous chapter there is lack of motivation. Because I will be stopping from writing it is not because of you but is it for the story. Afterall there is no big bad to fight and I understand that there is no excitement except when the fight from the myths from before. I have no directions after that.

My Goals for this story as follows:

Die at 60-70

Have Two Wives [ Nezuko and Megan Dayne ]

Have multiple children from them

Have one of my child at the similar age be wed to Visenya Targaryen [ 28 BC ]

Effectively making a branch to the Crownsland

Make Cool Weapons

Introduce the World to Science and Magic

These are my goal's yeah not much right.

Especially now that my Stepdad died and all. My motivation and moral took a huge hit.

So am I gonna make a new one. Well not right now

Will it still be A ASOIAF/MINECRAFT CROSSOVER. It will still be ASOIAF WELL GAMEOF THRONES ACTUALLY BUT IT WILL NOT BE A CROSSOVER TO MINECRAFT. It is too op even with loose limitation that I have given.

When will the fanfic appear. Probably a year or two or never from now.

Why is it so long. I am still thinking it afterall I have not made anything as of yet.

Well that's about it I thank you my readers for the Under or Over 1 mil views and over 2000 Collections. Hey it's been fun making this. I highly recommend going back and reading the books that I have recommended there good reads.

Well Signing Out
