"Don't expect me to be calm after hearing those words from Anne!" I shouted at Terrence as he tries to calm me down. "What does Cupid have any way that I don't?!" I asked as my knees run out of strength as I bow down in front of him.

"How can I make her look at me?" I asked again as Terrence didn't say a word at all. "I command you Terrence to talk!" I shouted.

"The underground company needs you, boss, It's time to go back to work." He said as I grab his collar as I looked at him with anger.

"Do you expect me to work properly after being heartbroken?!" I asked but he just looked at me plainly and there is no such sign of fear in his eyes.

"I bet you'll do better than before boss since your broken," I let him go and smashed him on the wall but I didn't hear him groan and just stand up like nothing happen.

He was trained for me, He was raised here and has been one of my loyal and trusted servants. He's my pal too and most of the time he never reacts even if I'll punch him to death.

"Do you have someone you like?" He looked at me and smiled gently. This is the first time that Terrence looked at me like that, His eyes show sadness.

"I once did, You probably didn't know..." he explained. "Who is this girl?" I asked as he looked away liked he don't wanna talk about it.

"It's Lucy's sister," I froze after hearing that from him. "Luna?" I asked as he nodded. "But we are not yet sure if she's dead, Her body is still missing!" I explained.

"It's been eight years Lucca, She might be dead right now or eaten by the whales." He said as he starts cleaning the broken pieces of vase that I throw.

"Why-" He didn't let me finish. " I'm the sorry boss but I have something to attend to, I will call the maids to clean your room and-"

"Hey Terrence," I called he looked at me like he was waiting for the next word I say. "Would you give it a shot?" I asked as he looked surprised.

"Do you mean singing in front of the crowd?" I nodded as he looked confused. "You've been in your drum for a long time I guess it's time for you to take the stage on," I said as he bows down in front of me.

"I'll think about your offer Boss," he said and excused himself. I smirked as I can still feel his presence and heard him whispered 'yes'

I looked at my phone as it starts ringing and saw an unknown number on it.

"Who's this?" I asked as I heard a familiar chuckle. "It's been a long time Lucca," I clenched my fist as I know this familiar voice.

"What do you want Cupid?" I asked. "Anne's here in my apartment, She passed out in the rain after you left. I want you to pick her up for me." I bite my lips and looked at the time.

"D-Did you give her your answer?" I asked as there is no response from him.

"I'll be waiting, You know where to find me," he said as he turned off the call. I cannot use my car for now because it's under repair. That means I need to borrow Laven's toy.

"NO." I looked at my sister as she's pushing my buttons on. "Why would I even grant that request of yours when you didn't even know how to handle my toy?" she asked as I remember the last time she let me borrow her bike.

"Hmmm, I'll give you my island just give me those keys," I command as she looked happy about it and immediately throw her keys on me. "Deal, By the way, if your going after Anne make sure you'll do it properly this time," she said as I nodded.

They are right I cannot just give up yet, It's been years since then she's the only person that could match my personality even if my hands got dirty.

I arrived at Cupid's apartment, I saw Anne crying in front of Cupid. "Please I still want to be with you!" Anne insisted. This scene is such a deja vu, I always see Anne forcing herself on Cupid but Cupid keeps on rejecting her as she's crying so much for her love for Cupid.

"Why did you kiss me then?!" she asked out of the blue as I froze eavesdropping on their conversation.

"We're not playing games here anymore Cupid," She said as My fist clenched. "When are you gonna tell me that you love me too? When will you look at me and treasure my love for you? Because I'm running out of reason to fight for you!" She's crying hard just like that time.

"I miss you so much," she added as she kneels on Cupid. "I can't return that love at all Anne, It's been four years. I missed what we have too but we are not that kids anymore." I can't stop myself and step in on their conversation but when I was about to say something.

"BUT!" he shouted. "If one day we'll meet again I want to see you smiling, I want to see you happy, Don't always face me with tears in your eyes it's killing me, I bet Lucca knows that feeling too. " Anne looked at me as her tears fell as my heartache seeing her crying again.

I just want to kill Cupid right now for making Anne cried so much for his audacity. I open my arms waiting for her to come to me and so she did and cried a lot on my chest.

"My answer to your confession 4 years ago is that I wanted to stay and be your friend for a long time, I am not meant to be your lover but I wish for your happiness by someone who can give you the love you deserve." Cupid smiled and looked at me.

"After all, I'm just taking credit for all his hard work." I was stunned to hear that from him. "I'm jealous of how he handled you as a friend even though he treasures you a lot ever since we were kids." He added as I remember how I kneel in front of him asking him to be friends with Anne while I look behind them smiling and laughing.

"Now it's your time to be in her side," I let go of Anna as I hugged him tightly. "I loved her too and it pains me seeing you being hurt because of me." He whispered.

"Please take good care of her for me," I nodded as Cupid cried a lot that day for the first time.