
"Hey, Lucca look!" Anne said as she pointed the roller coaster ride. "Do you want to ride that thing?" I asked as she nodded.

After we got done with our practice we decided to go on a date and take a little rest. Terrence got home last night and said he's sorry for letting us wait for too long.

I'm not that bad a boss as you think and I treat Terrence like a brother and family to me. I don't mind letting him have some break sometimes.

Also about Lucy, She went back to the states to continue her study and modeling. I don't know what happen between them but I guess that is not my story to tell.

We were now in line as she starts talking about the past. That's right, when we were in high school we usually go here. The three of us usually ended up here after class.

"I guess if I can turn back the time I would just keep my feelings for him shut for us to stay like we always do." She looked down like she was thinking a lot as I messed up her hair.