
Ever since that confession Anne shut Lucca and me in her life, She won't let me come to her home anymore and she's keeping her distance against us.

"Hey Lucca," I called as he looked like he has no plans for the upcoming festival. "What?" he asked. "I will be participating in the basketball game, What will you in the festival?" I asked as he just shrugged and just what I thought about the did have no plan on being a normal kid and attend a festival.

"What's in it for me anyway?" He asked as I just ignored him when Anne came and she is still looking down and don't wanna talk to us.

I look at Lucca and he is watching Anne too. "Hey, The festival is coming what will you do?" I asked since my basketball practice is starting. "Well I don't have any talent at all," she said and smiled. "Maybe I might not attend the festival," she said as Lucca slammed a book on her desk that causes a loud sound and caught the attention of the whole class including Anne.