
"Why didn't you get the Girl?!" I asked my servants as they just remain quiet. 

"A helped her escape," S1 said. I called them Servant one and Servant two. "A did it? For what reason? He won't go that far! Unless if there is something that he's been thinking about the whole time!" I said knowing that A won't go beyond my plan. 

Anne must have said that she starts liking Lucca for real, Tch who would believe that pathetic excuse!

"What should we do Boss?" S2 asked. "Well of course we will still be proceeding to the plan in order for them to broke up! We need to act that Anne is been killed by Leonel!"

"But Anne is not here Boss." 

"Are you an idiot?! Of course, will take someone who has the same body and hair as Anne in order to fool Lucca!" I said as I called Leonel about my failed plan. 

"How can you let a mere girl escape?" Leonel asked on the phone. "I didn't! A helped the girl!" I said as I heard him sigh.