How I will meet you

Serena was sleeping inside her room, and David too was sleeping in his room. But Niya,


"Can't you two become friends?" Shouted Taavet at Joseph and Naomi. "Listen Taavet, your friends don't have to be my friends too." Claimed Joseph.

", Yeah, he is right. I don't like him..." Said Naomi but in the middle, Joseph cut her words saying in his cold tone while looking at Naomi" In fact, We hate each other." 

"Can't this hate turn to friendship??" asked Taavet in his calm voice to both. "This is never gonna be." She exclaimed. "Yeah, she is right." Replied Joseph. Taavet became frustrated with their conversation and finally spoke. "Stop it, guys. It's enough. You hate each other, I understand now go." He became angry by all this.

Cold-hearted Joseph was turning to warm-hearted just because of Naomi. Joseph, who doesn't believe in love, somewhere starts to like Naomi. Every time he saw her, his lips curled up.

But Naomi, her heart broke down because the boy, whom she loved a lot has already a girlfriend. In simple words, Taavet has a girlfriend and both love each other very dearly.

"First of all, you didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend. It means you didn't consider me as your best friend. Right!" Asked Naomi with a fake smile while bearing unbearable pain inside her heart. "Dear, don't get angry. I just want to surprise you." He said. "Didn't you like that I have my girlfriend?" He asked. "I like both of you. Now go she needs you," said Naomi.

"Thanks, sweetheart, and bye." Taavet hugged Naomi and ran toward his girlfriend Daisy. "Let's go Taavet." Said Daisy. Both bid their byes to Naomi. And they two went out of the school campus. Naomi lived in the school hostel. So as Joseph.

On the same night, Joseph was sleeping peacefully in his room. But soon his sleep broke and he heard sobbing. His eyes fall on the table clock, which was striking at 1 AM.

"Who is at this time!" he asked himself and went out of his hostel room. He found a girl sitting on the stairs and was sobbing. He went close to that girl. Her head was placed on her knee and she was crying silently but sobbing very hard. And he realized that the girl was none other than Naomi.

His heart ached a lot seeing her crying. The first time he was getting feelings for a girl. He placed his hand on her head and leaned until he reached her height. "Please don't cry." He said. It's the first time he is talking so gently to a girl after his past incident, which broke him into many pieces. It was very painful for him to bear that type of pain.

"Please don't cry." He said again in his soft tone. But She was still crying and sobbing. In the next moment, he sat down and hugged her and again said. "Please don't cry." But this time she replied to him."Please go from here and leave me alone." "Listen, I am not going anywhere or leaving you here alone." He said. "Go away." She said and pushed him. "I. s.a.i.d. I. a.m. n.o.t. g.o.i.n.g. a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e." He said while gritting his teeth. He thought maybe his anger calmed her down but it failed.

"Who are you to say that to me?" She shouted while crying. But it made him even angrier than before. And the next moment was going to be shocking for Naomi. He grabbed her hair in his full fist and kissed her. The kiss was rough but passionate. He was not leaving her lips.

When he needed oxygen, he let go of her lips. Naomi was shocked by this action. In the next moment, she slapped him very hard. Immediately, she got up and ran towards her room, and locked it from inside. She was again crying inside remembering her first kiss. "Naomi, please open the door," said Joseph from outside.


Niya was reminiscing all those incidents, and tears were flowing silently from her eyes. She was crying silently inside the darkroom. She was suffering all alone on that night. The sentence escaped from her mouth " How I will meet you ?" She came out of her past world when she heard a knock on her door.

"Sis, open the door." Asked David to open the door. Niya got up from the bed and wiped her tears and went to open the door. She opened the door and he came inside the room. "Sis, why did it seem that you were crying?" He asked. "Why I will cry?" She said. "Don't lie to me, sis. I have noticed for many days, that you are not happy these days. Every time I tried to look into your eyes, I found a different kind of pain inside your eyes. Tell me, sis, your brother is always there for you?" Hearing all these from David's mouth, tears started to flow from her eyes.

Indeed, he is the younger brother of Niya but sometimes it feels like he is the elder brother. He understands his sister very well. "David first promise me, the thing I am going to tell you. You will not share with anyone." She said. "Sis, just say me, and please trust me. Your brother will never hurt you." He said.

"David, I am reincarnated. This is my 2nd life." She said. "What ?"He asked in shock. " But sis, how do you know that you are reincarnated?"He asked. "David, when I was very young I used to see a couple's life and how they died." She said while holding tears in her eyes. "Who are they?" He asked. "Later, I came to know that the girl was me and the guy was...." Saying her uncompleted words, she burst into tears.

"Who is he?", he asked again. " You know him very well." She said controlling her tears. " I know him very well ." He asked her in confusion.