I am here love

"Naomi, I am here. Look, your Joseph is alright." He said while holding her very close to his heart. He can feel how speed her heart is beating. "Joseph, open your eyes." She only wanted to wake him.

She was seeing everything in her dream. It was just a part of her past life.

Niya's POV

It was a leisure period and our principal permitted us to play. Everyone was out of the class except me. I was in the class.

"Naomi...Naomi, Joseph!" Taavet was breathing heavily and he was trying to tell me something about Joseph.

I asked him worriedly about what happened to him. "He...fight... friends...serious," Tavet said to me. I was confused about what he is trying to say.

I became so anxious when I heard Joseph fought with his friends just because of me and he is very serious.

It was the first time, I felt bad for the guy who I used to hate a lot. I know very well that my heart doesn't have him anymore.

Something different was happening, to me. I became sad whenever he was absent, I became happy whenever I saw him happy. I know that I am getting feelings for him but I was trying to control myself just keeping distance from him.

Whenever I found him talking with other girls, I feel jealous and scared at the same time.

But, what happened today. It broke me from inside. I was scared of losing him forever. I know it is very difficult to win against him, but maybe he had bad luck today.

I ran towards the field and found our classmates standing in a circle. Everyone was looking towards me with sad eyes. It was making me more confused.

I ran towards them and what I saw made me weak. I started to feel weakness in my knees and I fell to the ground.

He was laying just in front of me like a lifeless body. His face was covered with blood. It was breaking and killing me inside even more and more every single second.

"Joseph, open your eyes. Please." I even didn't know when I started crying and robbing for him. I was begging him to open his eyes.

"Naomi, why are you feeling bad. You even didn't love him. He chased continuously after you for about 1 year." A girl said to me from the crowd.

"Is it love? Am I in love with him?" I started to ask myself in my mind. Finally, I got the answer "Yes" from my heart.

"I love you, Joseph. Please open your eyes for me, Joe. Please open your eyes." I was saying out loud that he could hear me.

"You can't leave me. Please." I was murmuring all these and hugged him. "Naomi, I am here. I will never leave you." Joseph said to me.

POV ends here:

She opened her eyes and found herself in Jack's arm. He was holding her very very tightly. Her shirt was wet because of her tears.

"I am sorry." She said while crying. "It's okay love." Don't need to say sorry. I can say what you were dreaming about." He said to her and wiped her tears with his thumb.

That time, she was in his arms and he was lying beside her. When he found that her heartbeat became normal. He got up to go to his study room, but she held his hand not letting him go.

"Please don't go." it was very low, only hearable for him. "Ok." He said and sat beside her. "So you were thinking about your confession." He asked with a chuckle.

She nodded."You have done many dramas in the past." She stated."Yeah to get your attention and love." He replied.

They both were talking. "Sir-mam, the jet is going to and get ready." The pilot announced. "Did we reach?" She asked him. "Yes, my love." He replied to her.

Soon, the jet landed. Niya was holding his sleeve very tight just like a little girl who is afraid when the flight is going to land.

It made her chuckle. "Don't worry." He said while holding her hand. The jet landed and she was still holding his sleeve tightly.

"Sir- mam, please get down. We reached." The pilot announced with very respect. "Let's go Niya." He said. She nodded and he held her hand the next moment.

They both got down off the jet. To her surprise, a white car was waiting for them. He went towards the car while holding her hand.

He opened the door of the back seat and gestured her to sit inside. She went inside and he went to another side of the car. He went inside.

"Driver, start the engine." He commanded in his cold voice. "Yes sir." The driver replied lowering his head and drove off.

Soon the car entered inside an underground way. Niya became scared because of it. "Jack where are we going?" She asked him. She was very scared at the time.

"Don't worry dear, we are going towards our home." He replied while holding her close to him. "But why underground way?" She asked.

"It is a safe way to go. As you see before, there were some watchmen at the entrance, they only allowed those who are allowed to come home." He stated.

"Why can't you use a common way to go home?" She asked the question which was making her more and more curious. "Love, I have many enemies and they can harm my close ones and love ones. So, no one knows about my personal life except my dear ones." He said her the truth.

And she understood everything. "Jack does the underground way close after coming inside it." She asked. "Yes, dear." He replied with a smile while pinching her nose.

Niya's POV

After 20 minutes, the car reached in front of a very big area. That area was surrounded by high boundary walls. The car stopped in front of a very big gate. Many guards were standing in front of the main gate.

Those guards checked the car. After checking, they opened the gate and allowed to go inside.