There is something

Niya was sleeping peacefully in Jack's arms. All of sudden, she felt strange and opened her eyes.

She found that she was in a dark place and her hands were tied. She was laying on the bed. She was trying to untie her hands but failed every time.

Soon she heard a sound. The sound was of the opening door. She came to know that she was in a dark room.

A man entered the room. She was unable to catch a glimpse of his face, she hastily shut her eyes, attempting to outwit the kidnapper.

"Great! This girl is still unconscious. I will have fun with her the whole night." He said. She understood what was going to happen to her.

The man was slowly coming towards her and she was collecting all her strength to fight with those people.

But, she heard some sounds coming from out. Hearing the sound, that man immediately went outside of the room.

She again tried to untie her hands and legs but again failed. She was feeling very tired and scolding her for coming out of the hotel.

She was scolding herself but suddenly she felt someone's presence in the room." It would be my illusion. How can someone come inside without opening the door?" she was poundering in her thoughts.

After a few minutes, the kidnapper came inside. She has collected all her strength to fight with him but was waiting for the right time.

But before she could do anything, she heard the scared voice of the kidnapper. "Who are you?" " Your death." Again she heard another very scary voice.

Hearing that scary voice she again lost her consciousness.

And finally, her eyes opened. That was nothing short of a nightmare. She found herself in Jack's arm. She knew that she was safe and again she drifted off to sleep.

The next day, she felt a tingling sensation on her lips. She opened her eyes. She dicovered deep, dark eyes patiently waiting for her, as if inviting her to drown in those eyes.

She was deeper into his eyes. "Love, don't you want to get up?" He asked. "Hmm!" She replied deepened into his eyes.

"Huh!" She replied finally and immediately got up. "I am going to take shower. I have to head to work, but I will be back soon." He said and pecked her forehead.

He got up and went inside the bathroom. He completed his morning routine and was taking shower.

His one hand was against the wall and his other hand was running into his hair. He was very tense at the time.

"I can't leave her alone in the house. What if she finds the truth?" He questioned himself. After half an hour he came out of the bathroom.

He came inside his room and didn't find Niya in the room, then he dried his hair with the dryer and was getting ready for work.

He was about to complete when he heard a knock on the door. "May I come inside?" Niya asked."Of course." He replied.

"Niya, go and complete your morning routine quickly. I am waiting for you in the living room." He said caressing her hair.

She nodded and he went out of the room. Quickly, she took out her bathrobe from her wardrobe and went inside the bathroom.

She completed her morning routine and then took shower. After about 20 minutes, she came back to her room.

She took out a piece of the frock to wear. She quickly got ready and went downstairs. She went to the living room.

Jack was straightly looking into her eyes. He was mesmerized by her beauty. He doesn't want to go anywhere leaving his wife alone. But work held its own importance.

She came near him and sat beside him."What happened Jack? Why your face is dull."She asked, looking at him.

"Nothing sweetheart. I don't want to leave my wife but what can I do, but at work is also very important." He said. "Yes baby, Jack's work is too important." She said.

"You should take a rest. You didn't sleep well last night, because of the nightmare." He said caressing her cheeks. "How did you know about the night…" She was about to ask him about the nightmare.

"I am getting late. We should eat breakfast." He said and gestured to her to eat breakfast and she did so without questioning him.

Quickly, the maids arranged the breakfast on the dining table for their young master and young madam. Then, Jack and Niya had their breakfast.

after completing their breakfast, Jack and Niya quickly wash their hands and he picks his business bag from the couch.

"All of you, lower your eyes," Jack ordered all maids and servants present there. Immediately all lowered their eyes. But Niya was surprised. "Why did he order them to do so?" She thought in her mind.

But in the next moment, she knew about it. In the next second, her husband quickly pecked her lips and then he kissed her forehead gently. She smiled lightly.

He turned to go but she held his hand from back. "What happened?" He asked. "Take care of yourself." She said. "Hmm." He replied by caressing her hair.

Then he went near his car. He sat inside the car and drove off.

Niya went inside the kitchen and found all the maids were working. "What are you all doing?" Niya asked."Young madam, we are deciding lunch." One of them replied. "And here is the milk," Laila said while giving the glass to Niya.

''Sis, why milk? I am not a small girl.'' Niya said while pouting. "Young Madam, this is Young Master's order,'' Laila stated.

This bound her to drink a full glass of milk." Young Madam, now go to your room and take rest there.'' Laila said. "But I want to stay here a little more" demanded Niya.

"Okay then, you have to rest," Laila said to Niya and she nodded to do so.

Niya spent some time in the kitchen and then came back to her room. But there was something which was being eaten her, from inside.