Sir, your daughter looks like your wife

He picked her call. "Hello, David." She said from another side. "Hey hi." He replied. "How us everyone David?" She asked him. "Everyone is good here baby." He said. He was talking to her from a little distance away from Jack and Niya.

Both Jack and Niya were standing in front of I.C.U and after some time, they decided to sat on the couch there. "Thanks Jack for her treatment. I can't imagine what had happened if…" She was cut by his words and action.

He quickly put his index finger on her lips. "Shhh! Baby just don't worry." He said and pulled her in a hug. She was holding him with her hands.

"Little girl, I want to ask you something?" He asked. "Sure." She replied. "Have you love anyone in this life except me?" He asked.

"Umm! There was a boy, it's not love but kind of attraction towards him." She said. His have turned sad because that happened which he was always afraid of.

"Do you have any feelings for him? I mean any kind of." He asked looking at her. "Umm! I still have feelings for him." She said looking at him.

"Who is he?" He asked. She pointed her finger towards David and in next moment she burst into laughter. "Haha! Don't worry Mr. Husband, it's true I admire some men but I only love you." She said looking at him.

"You really scared me." He said to her. "And what about David?" He asked but still nervous. "I have a lot of feelings for him but as my little brother." She said looking at his direction.

While on the other hand David and Wendie's talk end and he was coming towards their direction.

"Brother, I was saying you something." He asked. "Yes, you can continue." Jack said to start again.

"You guys were not in any kind of relationship but my sistie, she always used to see your photos at night. Once, I went inside her room and found she was weeping inside her quilt. I asked her is she fine or whether something happened to her but she told me, she want to see you . That time, I came to know my elder sister is not mine she has become yours and I too knew she is crazy for you." He said everything to Jack.

Niya was completely silent at the time and unknowingly her tears were flowing over her cheeks. After hearing all those, he understood that he choose the right girl in his past life.

He turned his face towards her. "Love, do you really love me a lot?" He asked. She nodded her head. "Taavet was right. He once said to me, the girl who I used to hate a lot will come in my life and she will change my sad world to happy world." He said holding her hands in his and caressing it.

"Love, What if you were in my place and I was in yours? I mean you loved me but everytime I reject you." He asked. "I must have kidnapped you." She said, looking at him.

He chuckled hearing him. The trio was talking with each other and even they didn't know when the dark night turned to shiny day.

David was sleeping on the couch there but Jack and Niya were still awake. They were seeing Serena from the glass fixed on the door.

They were waiting for her to open her eyes. Time passed like that and the little flower opened her eyes after about 3 hours. She gained her conscious at about 9 a.m. in the morning.

The nurse called the doctor and he checked on little Serena. "Everything is alright. You can take her home." The doctor said if they want then they can take them home but they have to take care of her properly.

Jack had already filled in all the formalities, fees and everything. He came inside I.C.U and sat near Serena. "So little doll, do you want to go back home?" He asked her. "Of course Jack." She replied and hugged him, her little and small hands were wrapped around him.

He took the little girl in his arms as a father took his baby in his arms. David had already informed them that they were coming back with Serena.

All of them came out of the I.C.U and went towards the elevator. Serena was putting her chin on his shoulder and was watching everything with her big and round eyes.

"Sir, your family is so cute. Your daughter looks like your wife." A woman who was standing there complimented Jack. He smiled in his mind after getting the compliment but Niya was embarrassed.

"Sis, don't feel embarrassed and that lady was just thinking about the future. David said, giving a wink at Jack's direction. He winked at him back while smiling.

They all came out of the hospital and went towards their car. They all sat inside the car and drove off to reach the mansion.