Where is she?

Niya's POV continue

"You must have a lot of guts, if you think you can question my judgement!" He yelled with a nasty glare. I shivered at his cold gaze. Once again feeling it pierce right into my very soul.

In his anger he tears more pages out and throws them at my face. My heart hurts at the sight seeing all of my hard work ripped and tossed away like I simply scribbled a pen on a piece of paper rather than spent sleepless hours stressing over the documents.

I bent down to pick them up not noticing how much my boss had lost his temper.

"This is so ridiculous! How can you?....." He grunts in frustration before suddenly growling like an angry animal.

"Grrrrrrrrrr….." In his pure frustration he tosses my file completely off his desk not seeing my already bent down figure. I gasped looking up and hearing the flutter of papers flying out of the file.