Taking care of her during her periods-4. Going office at night

Soon he understood, she was crying, which raised his temper.He held her both hands in his one hand and threw that pillow on the other side of the bed.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Her lips were trembling while talking.

"May I know Mrs. Niya Jack Johnson the reason behind your crying and sobbing?" He was holding her both hands in one hand.

She denied lowering her head. And he pulled her more towards him by holding her waist.

His one hand was on his waist and with his other hand, he was holding her both hands. As he was fully controlling her.

"Ok, if you don't want to tell me then don't but sleep comfortably." He finally has control over his inner devil.

He gently put her head on his chest and held her in his arms not giving her any chance to go.

Her head was on his chest and tears were flowing down her eyes, which were falling on his t-shirt and making it wet on the place.