Same kind of pain

"Do you know my little girl, ahy is your mom avoiding me?" Charles asked in between his laugh. Niya denied, because she didn't know about that.

"Your mother, she use too used to call me devil, monster, stupid person and many more, because I used to bully her on our university days." Charles waa still laughing and Bella was angrily looking at her husband, and couldn't stop from saying "And those times, you called me sweetheart, baby and many other things. Do you really knew about is or out future ?''

" Yeah! Honey." He replied and hugged his wife even brighter and pecked on her forehead and Niya again giggled seeing them like that. As, the road was full of peoples, so they decided to come back home.

Soon, they come back jome but Niga was still feeling guilty, because his parents knew that their daughter in law, call their son 'DEVIL'.