Did you get ready

He chuckled lightly before saying," not any girl, a lady. And she was none other than my mother. She left us that day for another man." Hearing the truth from his mouth, she was shocked and unknowingly tears flowed down her eyes.

Now she understood how he felt, why he was like that. He was weeping there like a small child, who lost his mother. She quickly higher him.``Shh! Don't cry. I promise, I will never leave you. Calm down please." She too became emotional seeing him like that.

He was sobbing in her arms and she was caressing his back. She parted him a little from her and pecked on his forehead and it helped him to calm down.

"Please don't cry. I don't like this side. I never thought about this side of devil, who always growl on me." She tried to make him laugh and she succeeded.

He chuckled hearing her and she wiped tears from his face."Please go and freshen up Frank." She said his name with hesitation, but he became happy that she called him by his name.