Then How?

POV continues:--

And now I have only one and last option and that was Joseph, who I can tell. I immediately dialled his number ignoring my hand was trembling in fear, and luckily he received my call.

At the time Joseph picked my call, they had already entered my room, my body started to tremble to see them.

My all strength was kicking my mind to ask Joseph for help, and I quickly collected all my strength before saying, "Joseph! Hel…" I was about to complete my words but they snatched my phone and threw it on the ground, my phone broke and the call disconnected.

They were two but I was only one and, I am not that much strong that I can fight with them. They two had covered their face with masks, and one of them was holding a knife in his hand as it felt like today is my last day, it feels like God is also not with me and has decided to take my life this way.