"Clove dear, did your boyfriend promised you that he will only marry you?" The person again asked from another side which made her frustrated.

"Can't you understand, I told he promised me every singlee thing about us. And dare to ask any more question, you better know about my temper."

She angrily mouth out her words but the person from another side did not get angry because he knew very well about her anger and he too knew she is short tempered.

"Oh sorry my dear, I didn't meant to hurt you and made you angry." He apologise because he knew her very well.

"It's Okay and tell me quickly what more do you want to asks." She said rudely rolling her eyes and the man on the other side chuckled and asked,"And what he will do with that girl?"

She laughed before saying,"he will throw her out of his life."

"Oh then everything is alright. Then he is nice to you." He finally pronounced but she chuckled, saying,"I know him from very long ago and I know he is just perfect."
