She opened the door and came out of the room. As soon, she stepped out of her room, she bumped into someone and that person was none other than Jack, her husband who never loved her.

"Sorry", she made her way and went downstairs.

Jack, who was still standing there on his spot, turned back his head to look at her, then after turning back he denied his head for a couple of times, before stepping his feet inside the room.

Niya removed all those thoughts from her mind, which we're giving much pain to her heart, and now was behaving as if everything was fine with her.

Keeping a smile on her face she went inside the kitchen, where Laila was busy preparing dishes for evening snacks, as she knows very well that she is not completely well though she always shows how happy she is.

Niya reached near Laila with her tiptoes and immediately back hugged her asking," sister, what are you doing? Preparing snacks?"