Next morning, Jack and Clove decided to meet but afterwards Jack got some important works and he is going to complete those works.

While driving the car, he got a call from Clove.


"Hey hello boy." She seemed to be very happy.

"Hey my babe, I am really very sorry. I have some important work. And first, I am going to complete it ." 

She heard his voice coming from the phone and in the next second, the phone got disconnected.

Clove's anger reached the top cloud and in the next moment, she threw her phone on the ground.

"Aarghh!! Why he always cut my call. I have to do something." 


"I was going for an outing with some of my friends ....so I thought to invite you also", he said hesitantly from another side.

"If you don't mind...may I invite my bestie and her bf ", she said." Of course",  he was feeling very happy at the time because she accepted his invitation. 

Actually, he was not going for an