The black car stopped in front of the mansion area's main gate very smoothly. 

As soon, the gaze of the guards fell on the persons, who were sitting inside the car. The guards immediately lowered their eyes and as well as their eyes.

Because the people, we're none other than their young master and young madam. The main gate automatically opened recognizing Jack's car and in the next moment, the car entered the mansion's area.

Running for nearly 5 minutes, the car stopped right in front of the mansion's main big door. And in the very moment, he opened his side's door and came out of the car, closing the door behind him.

And taking his long and quick steps, he reached another side of the car and opened the door for his wife. He leaned just a little over her to open her seat belt.

But Niya who was sitting calmly on the seat, her heartbeat increased all of the sudden feeling their closeness.