LGfM 18 Archery Competition

Petra had repeatedly changed his sleeping position, but Petra still couldn't sleep well, even just closing his eyes was too difficult. It was as if Petra had been drinking three glasses of black coffee this afternoon. As it turns out, the mastermind behind sudden insomnia that attacks Petra is none other than Lyon.

The arrogant, rich young man didn't mess with what he said about buying the house that Petra rented. Feeling that the haphazard boast that came out of Lyon's mouth was just a bluff so without thinking Petra challenged Lyon to prove it right then and there. And, the nightmare happened.

They came to a housing complex managing officer who was greeted by a young man in his mid-twenties. Explain all the conditions that must be met to own one of the residential houses in the area.

In less than an hour, Lyon had the house certificate in Petra's name in his right hand. Then without worrying handing over the certificate to Petra just like that. As if the document was completely worthless.

For Lyon, the legal document regarding ownership of the house is just a piece of black inked paper like any other. Not for Petra. We can be sure, no matter how hard Petra works to raise money to buy the house he lives in now, he will not be able to afford it. It's different from Lyon. For Lyon, the money is insignificant compared to the freedom from the shackles of his biological parents.

"Hey, I was just kidding Lyon," Petra grumbled, still shaking holding the house certificate with her name on page five from the back.

Hearing Petra's annoyed remark, Lyon glared at the girl. Letting out a deep breath, thought for a moment before giving an answer that would make the chattering girl in front of him shut up.

"I just took your joke seriously, didn't I? So from this second on, don't even think I'm just playing around with what I said about a future wife. Well, even though I don't have any feelings for you at all. In this day and age. , at least within my family, it is common to marry without love. " Lyon finally managed to find words that he thought represented the annoyance he felt.

Lyon's words were so calm that made Petra's chest boil. Petra felt utterly humiliated. No, no, not because she desperately needed a house to live in or some kind of gratitude that Petra didn't have to worry about renting the house every month anymore. But, how ... what would Petra tell Uncle Jon and Aunt Mia about all this.

Petra didn't want her uncle and aunt to think that she had sold herself just to get a house. Still, and come to think of it, that's exactly what Petra did. More precisely, he was bought by Lyon. And it was Petra's worst nightmare in his entire life.

Of course, there were a lot of swear words that Petra wanted to say to Lyon at that time, but until the black car that took Lyon away from the house had passed, Petra was speechless. His left hand still holds the damn document. The documents that Petra got effortlessly. However, Petra believes there are very big consequences for the price that Lyon bought for his house.


More than three days had passed, Petra was still having trouble sleeping well. Even with the side job that Petra is still doing, on a day-to-day basis, she is not busy with Lyon's schedule or the piling up of homework or the busy intra-school organization, and so on. All of that only made Petra even more upset that it was impossible to close her eyes.

"Why are you acting so pathetic lately?" said Lyon from behind the screen. Petra, who was standing at the table, only snorted in disgust in response.

Lyon continues to be busy with the secret project of his new game company. Until the archery course that Lyon was supposed to do had to be represented by Petra today. One more thing that adds to Petra's annoyance with Lyon is increasing.

However, Petra's intense hatred for Lyon was not enough for him to ignore today's archery practice. At least Petra did the sport for himself. If, if only at some time he was given a chance by fate to shoot Lyon for real. It wasn't just in Petra's mind as he focused the arrow towards the target.

"Well ... you are quite talented in archery, Miss Petra." praised the trainer to Petra after they finished training.

Hearing his coach's sincere compliment made Petra's cheeks flush red. What Petra thought was just to vent anger against the inhuman youth who was casually still working in front of the monitor turned out to be acknowledged by others. And that person is one of the coaches the best archery sport in Mestonia. Made Petra a little confident. At least one piece of his anger disappeared thanks to the archery.

"Right. Thank you, coach," said Petra politely.

"What if I register Miss Petra for intensive training starting next week? There will be a regional archery competition next month, we still have enough time to prepare for it." asked the coach hopefully.

"That, there's no need. I'm not interested in archery." refused Petra softly. More so because Petra didn't want to fall too deep from the shackles named Lyon. From the Levi family circle.

"Oh, what a shame. Even though I just asked permission from Big Madame Levi and she agreed to it. So sorry, Miss Petra was forced to continue to practice." said the coach, without hearing Petra's further refusal to pass.

"So why ask me if it's irresistible in the end!" babbled Petra, irritated to herself.

"That should be my question, why were you so excited when shooting earlier? It's better if you were reluctant earlier instead of all your arrows on target," said Lyon from behind his monitor screen.

"I didn't know how much power the Levi family had," Petra said, getting annoyed at Lyon's late speech.

"That is. It's good from now on you learn about everything about the Levi family." Said Lyon agreed.

"I don't feel the need to do it," argued Petra.

"Then at least act like my good boyfriend. How?" Lyon teased which didn't sound like teasing.

"Pretend to like you?" growled Petra.

"Yes," Lyon replied confidently.

"Even in dreams I don't want to," exclaimed Petra left Lyon to the locker room.

"Right? Let's bet. Which of us will fall in love first then he has to make a special meal of his cooking. Agree!" Lyon hissed to stop Petra's steps.

"Who cares about cheap tricks like that. Your words only mean that you can't cook at all, right?" investigated Petra.

And, it cannot be denied by Lyon's cold flat face that cooking is his biggest weakness.