LGfM 217 Cal and Bred 

LGfM 217

Playlist of this chapter: This is Home by Cavetown 



The young man who looked like Cal laughed loudly at Cal's complaints which were like the whimper of a child to him. Bred had to hold one of his stomachs with one of his free hands while the other was busy fending off Cal's attacks. 


Petra, who had been released from Cal's arms, shuffled to one side of the exit looking at the argument that looked more like a fight between twins who never got along. 


"They are twins but different mothers. Bred is a half-sister whose mother is Cal's father's mistress. And what's even weirder, by his father these two children were always sent to the same school after Cal's mother died when Cal was five years old. You can imagine the suffering biological child treated like a stepdaughter like Cal?" whispered Ann, who was standing beside Petra without Petra knowing.