LGfM 338 I'm not a child

LGfM 338 


Petra wanted to laugh. But Petra could only do it in her heart.

"What are you afraid of?" asked Petra couldn't help but smile.

"See, you got offered my dad something like adoption?" Lyon stuttered and had difficulty controlling his mouth.

How come? Lyon has desperately fought for his love for Petra but now his father wants to adopt Petra. The most absurd thing of this century!

"Lyn, don't be like a child like this. Of course, I was just joking, even though in reality your father did have that kind of intention. And it was just talking in a joke. Your father wouldn't be able to do something like that. Can't you see that?" ?" Petra whispered worriedly about Lyon's overreaction.

In reaction, Lyon just shook his head in disbelief.

"What do you mean by discourse? And why are you treating me like a child? Haven't you gone too far?" Lyon grumbled.