After 45 minutes I am now seeing the building where we are heading, it is also big and has a lot of floors, I don’t know if this building is hers but here in my folder written “ Elites Society head office” I am busy looking at the building when she said something.

"Come with me in the conference room," she said then alighted from the car opening the other door and so I open mine.

I just nod at her then walk behind her getting into the lobby and Gust is already inside.

"Hey boss, hey Mar, the meeting is on the 3rd," he said then guides us to the elevator.

While on the elevator my eyes are looking between Gust and Ms. Selene, none of them is moving they are just quietly waiting.

When we get to the 3rd floor, I was about to get out after Ms. Selene but she faces me first then speak

"Once we enter the room, I want you to act professional, speak professional and move professional, I want you to focus only on your job” she seriously said while looking straight at me, I don’t understand her gesture but I feel like my whole system is shaking, I mean I am totally aware that I shouldn’t do any mistake but hearing it from her makes me really nervous, she is really serious on how she said it to me.

When we get to the front door of the conference room, the assistant opens it for us.

Upon entering, I was shocked to see twenty men sitting at the big round table along with their secretaries and assistant standing at their back, I guess they are the board members, I roamed my eyes more to see each and everyone's faces but I was stopped when I saw a familiar face that shaken my knees and shoulder.

It’s…it is Natasha Davids.... I feel weak and trembling, my knees are shaking to where I stand, I don’t know what to feel, but the fear inside me remembering what she said suddenly coming back to me, since four years ago up to now I never been afraid to anyone than Natasha Davids.

I almost drop the folder I am holding; I can’t control the fear inside me, the trembling on my knees makes me weak, with all the strength I have I manage to move my feet to walk towards the door and get out but Ms. Selene suddenly holds my hand.

She holds it and squeezes it, I slowly look at her and buried my eyes while she still facing the board members.

I don’t know what happen but I feel like all my fear and weakness suddenly subside when she holds my hand so I fix myself and have a deep breath for me to calm and stand in my position properly.

I remember Ms. Selene’s reminder earlier and filled it on my mind so I won’t be lost again coz of my personal issue.


Waking up from what happened last night is just an ordinary event for me, this time I can feel all my power and strength has returned.

Preparing to surprise the boards of Elites Society I am bothered about something.

Since the meeting has something to do with the new chairman, I know that Natasha will be present and that leaves me with a thought of Martha seeing Natasha.

After doing all my preparation, I sensed Martha; she is already inside the house waiting for me.

I quickly get out of my room and go down the stairs to see her.

I was amazed by the beautiful lady waiting for me.

" I didn’t know you have a hidden beauty," I said to myself

When Martha saw me I guess she notices how I stared at her, so I look away from her

I manage to let her know about the consequence of saving her, she needs to be present every time I need her as a payment for the money I used to save her.

I actually didn’t prepare for that, I mean I don’t know why I said that, though I am really thinking that I might be going to use that opportunity in time.

When we arrived at the Head office of the Elites Society Organization, I am indeed bothered by Martha's issue, I never cared to interfere in anyone’s issue but my mind is saying otherwise, I can't help it so before we alighted from the elevator I face Martha.

"Once we enter the room, I want you to act professional, speak professional and move professional, I want you to focus only on your job," I said while controlling myself to give any affection even though I am really worried about it.

When we enter the room, everyone is busy with their stuff, I also see that the Davids doesn’t notice my arrival but what I sensed is Martha's emotion and reaction seeing Natasha.

I felt Martha's sudden out of balance; I can hear her heartbeat and feel her fear over Natasha

Hmmmm so their issue is really a big deal huh..

When I felt that Martha was about to go out I quickly hold her hand to stop her.

I didn’t know what I am doing but I kinda felt relieved when Martha's emotion becomes stable.

On the other hand, the Davids already notice me, and I can see the look on their faces, I can the shock all over Natasha’s face seeing me alive.

Then Apollo Davids throws a death glare on Natasha then giving me a sharp look, I really want to laugh this time! They all look stupid!

I fight back Natasha's glare then smirk on her which I guess makes her temperament arise.

"How come she is still alive?“Apollo whispered to Natasha

I listened to their talk then burst a silent laugh that stole everyone’s attention which is my turn to introduce myself

"Good morning gentlemen, I am Selene Alvuero Mondre and I am the new chairman of this organization," I said then sit in the middle chair where the exact position of the chairman.

Everyone was stunned at my introduction, and then look at the Davids, I get the gesture, the board is not yet aware of me being the chairman.

"I guess Apollo Davids didn’t yet orient you all, well here I am, and I’m so glad to meet you all," I said and I can see some disappointment on their faces which excites me more!

"What is this Apollo? How did you let this young woman be the chairman! That is absurd!" the 3rd board member said.

"I-i will explain everything to all of you, please all calm down," Apollo said

"Yes, explained to them how I bought your position in an instant," I said with my warm smile that irritates Natasha more looking at her angry face.

"What? So she was the one who won the auction? How can it be, do you have enough millions to—" I cut the 5th board member from talking

"—Not millions, Billions" I simply said and everyone almost drops their jaw after knowing the amount.

All board members can’t undo it anymore and so they accept me as their new Chairman.

Madness and anger formed at Davids face seeing their reactions, they get out of the room right after the meeting ends.


Honestly, I don’t know the relationship or what business does Davids has with Ms. Selene, the emotion going on in this meeting reflects anger and hate towards each other.

I am also wondering if Ms. Selene remembers the night where I was so mad at her and shouts the name of Natasha, I even compare her to Natasha which I guess the biggest mistake, though it seems she doesn’t remember it, so it’s okay.

When the meeting ends, I walk along with Ms. Selene but she is busy talking to the other board members, well she is the newly appointed chairman so it is her responsibility to talk with them especially there is some misunderstanding about her position.

I manage to give her privacy with the board members and instead I look for Gust.

I stand at the corner and was about to text Gust when I heard a familiar voice, a voice that scares the shit out of me!

"Look who’s here.., Martha Alfaro...hmmm it’s been four years, and it seems you already forget me huh.." Natasha said that chills me within, fear is now all over my system that I can’t even manage to say something.

"And you are clinging with Selene huh, why? Are you going to tell her what happens? Just a gentle reminder, it is still clear to me how I killed your mom and in case that you do something stupid, about your dad I will kill him?" she whispers in my ear that scares me, I feel like my tear is now forming in my eyes.

I want to push her and run away from her, I want to shout for Ms. Selene’s help but I am scared about what she said, I even trembled when she touched my face then slide her hand going at the back of my head and simply pulled my hair and was about to say something,

I almost close my eyes as she pulled my hair then close her face to me but I was surprised when someone grabs my hand away from Natasha then push her to the wall

"I really hate someone touching my things," Ms. Selene said while still holding my hand and the hand of Natasha that was about to grab me again.

"Well I don’t think it’s your thing to mess up someone's business" Natasha response with brow up

"Yes, in fact, I can mess with anyone’s business if I want to including you!" Ms. Selene said looking straight at her while walking slowly towards her, and Natasha’s eyes now are filled with fear as she slowly stepping backward every time Ms.

Selene is making a move towards her.

Looking at Ms. Selene, my fear for Natasha easily lessens seeing her shaking body towards Ms. Selene's presence; I also felt a fear arise within me but this time it is not for Natasha but for Ms. Selene.

Seeing that Natasha was already pressed her back at the wall avoiding the scary eyes of Ms. Selene, my hand was suddenly grabbed by Ms. Selene and walk away from Natasha but before we make our step she face Natasha again and speak.

"And may I remind you, Martha is my business, so better take your filthy hand away from her!" Ms. Selene said then continues to walk while holding and pulling my hand going out of the Head office.