SGM 14


I am now with Valerie on the way to her house.

"I'm glad you say yes Mar," she said

"It’s just a dinner and nothing more, besides I can still attend my personal matter," I said which I don’t know if I am guilty of Ms. Selene or just trying to defend myself.

"Good thing that Ms. Selene doesn’t have any appointments tonight?" she said

"Yup and I carefully checked on it, she didn’t even bother when I told her about this dinner" I explained

“I see, anyway, I am sorry earlier about what I told you, It wasn’t really my ideal confession but it leaves me no choice though please no pressure and don’t get awkward Mar” she explains

“Nope, there is nothing to worry about it, I am here because I like it and I like honest and straightforward people, not every day we will meet one” I smilingly said.

On the way we really get along, we cracked some jokes and laugh out loud, she is really fun to be with I mean I never been this relaxed to people I just met especially a woman, and what we have is no ordinary friendship, maybe because I am aware that she has a thing for me which is I am not yet ready to bite it.

A few minutes after and we already at her apartment, it is nice and cozy and was designed exactly for her I guess, I like her couch since it is wider than usual, I can almost lay down here.

"hey please just feel at home, ill just going to prepare all the ingredients for my recipe," she said then get into her kitchen

While she is now preparing our dinner, I just feel relax sitting on her couch though I get bored a little so I grab my cellphone and browse my social media.

I try to see if Ms. Selene has a social media so I search on it and there it is, I try to take a sneak a little though only I can see photos of places and some of her pictures, it isn’t a normal picture, I guess she is in modelling before, most of it is seems to be posted in magazines, I can tell she is really gorgeous even before, it seems she never get aged!

Every time I look at her face, there are times that my heart beats abnormally, honestly every time I am with her I really felt safe, I remember when she defended me from Natasha, I mean no one stood up for me like that, when she pulled me away from her, my heart beats so fast, damn!! Why am I thinking about her right now damn it! Sometimes I really don’t know what am I thinking whenever that Ms. Selene is the topic.

While I am fighting myself, I get stunned by Valerie’s presence in front of me.

"Hey, penny for your thoughts!" she said which makes me blush in awkwardness I mean she always caught me disoriented!

“Gosh, you startle me!” I said trying to hide my blushed face.

She just laughs at me then offers her hand, she seems like inviting me now to the kitchen.

She is guiding me slowly and I find it sweet in gesture.

On the table I saw the candlelight and the food she prepared, damn I guess I am blushing even more!

She then poured me some wine, I can say that this moment is perfect, I mean it is very relaxing like that moment…the moment I have with Ms. Selene….shit! why am I thinking about it again, though it’s a bit weird to think about I must admit that time becomes unforgettable memories to me though I am not aware only tonight that she keeps entering into my thoughts.

I tried to erase those thoughts and just enjoy this night with Valerie.


"Maam, I just have a dinner to attend to tonight, I may not be able to with you in the car going home”

Martha said, and I already know whom she is going to be with, and it's with Valerie, I actually don't want to entertain my sudden reaction towards them, sometimes I notice myself that I’ve been really unusual when it comes to Martha, and to cease that, I did not respond to Martha and just walk away from her.

From my car I manage to see Valerie and Martha driving away, staring at their car, I can't help to think about it, I have this little pissed emotion towards them, it's like I hate seeing Martha enjoying with someone, I let out a huge air then close my eyes to calm myself, I try to erase these thoughts, damn! I just can't believe that I am somehow giving attention to this non-sense human stuff.

I start the engine of my car then head my way home., I poured a cup of blood then drink it up.

While enjoying my glass of blood I am staring at the moon here on my balcony when I remember the moment when

Martha makes me cry for the first time, I close my eyes trying to remember Martha's warm hand touching my face, at this moment, I can't help it anymore, I change my clothes, wearing black jeans, and a black hoodie jacket, I jump from roof to roof and quickly go to Valerie's house.

I am now standing at the roof of Valeries Neighbor, I can listen to their conversation and can even see what they are doing.

I can't believe how Valerie treats Martha, like how on earth a woman can treat another woman like that, all my life I know that only man can do such, and I felt pissed every time Valerie look Martha in the eyes.

I just stayed all night looking after them, a little later I notice a two van coming through then stops at Valerie's house and what surprised me is when there is a bunch of black men entering the house and suddenly I heard Martha's voice shouting in fear.

I look closely at what is going on then I saw the other black men hit Valerie in the head that makes her unconscious, then they grab Martha and trying to bring her with them, damn, do what you guys want but never hurt Martha! On this part, I can no longer control it anymore, my eyes turned red, then I put on my hoodie then jump off from the roof to Valerie's house.

When I get to the house I quickly fight those few men waiting outside and to the inside, Martha was shocked to see me, though I know that she cannot recognize me so I just wave my hand signalling Martha to escape and run for her life.

I fight the other men who remained at the house but I didn't know that the other more is still chasing Martha.

So when I already killed all the black men in Valerie's house I move quickly trying to find where Martha is, more laps I take and I finally see Martha still hunting by the other black men so I jump over their car to stand in their way, I hold the front of the car to stop it but these bastards showered me with gunshots, I can see the surprised on their faces seeing me that I am still alive, I get inside the car and killed each and every black-suited men.

After slitting the neck of the last guy, I moved fast to get to Martha who still running for her life, near the waiting shade I saw how afraid and tired she is, I am now at the point that I really want to get near her but it's impossible, I can't let

Martha sees me like this.

I stayed at the same place looking at Martha, her body is shaking in fear and her feet are trembling while staring blankly at one corner which makes me feel mad inside since I can't even give her any warmth, damn! I feel like I hate this scene seeing her like that.

"Ughhh! why don't you call someone for help! you can't stay there forever!"

I mumbled to myself, words that I want to say to her but I couldn't, while I am having that thought, I kind of felt relieved when she grabs her phone from her pocket, "Finally she realized it" I said in a low voice.

Still looking at Martha from afar, I stunned when my phone rings, and when I look at the caller.. I was surprised, it's Martha calling.....

I slowly answer the call..

"ahm yeah?" I compose myself before answering the call

"Ma--ma'am.....ahmmm, hmmmmm....I need help....will you help me please..sob*sob*?" Martha said still shaking and filled with fear.

I felt so bad for her knowing I am actually here around her, I just a response to her while looking straight at her.

"Where are you?" I asked

"H-Here at the waiting shade near Barbara Village Caloocan," Martha said

"Wait for me there, don't go anywhere," I said then hurriedly flew back to my house and change my clothes then grab my car, I have no choice but to drive or else I will be compromised.

A few minutes later, I already saw Martha still sitting at the bench.

I just breathe out some air before alighted from my car and slowly walk towards Martha when she saw me coming; I was shocked when she suddenly run towards me and hug me tight.

I can't even move from my position when Martha hugs me, I don’t know what to do but when I heard her crying, I can feel her pain, right now all I want to do at this moment is to ease that pain, without any thought, I move my arms and hug her back, I caress her head and let her burst in tears.

After a few minutes of hugging each other, Martha raise her face to look at me and I look back at her, when our eyes met,

I can see Martha's sad and tired eyes, her eyes full of tears and then she whispered..

"Thank you,'ve always been my hero--" she whispered in a soft voice but was cut when she suddenly passed out in my arms.

I carry her and get into the car, I put a blanket on her while her little tears fall down her cheek still unconscious, I wipe her tears and kiss her forehead.

“You are safe now” I mumbled staring at sleeping, Martha.