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CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning

Althea turned around in the light of the majestic sun peeking out of her window, signaling her to wake up.

It's tiring to think but this is what he has been doing since her father passed away.

Without hesitation, the beautiful beauty rises to stretch to relieve the drowsiness she feels.

She had to wake up early to sell the food her mother was making.

Morning again, ‘new life new hope’…........ that’s what they say, it's her mantra now to keep her going in this so not a cruel world she lives in.

So it should be welcomed with an open heart and thank God for the given dawn.

A sweet smile flashed on the beautiful girl's face.

Althea, who was orphaned by her father, he died when he was being run down by a huge wall that was collapsed in his workplace.

The young girl's father was an engineer while her mother was only a housewife because his father doesn't want her mother to work. After all, she had a week heart.

It can be said that the beautiful young lady had a happy family back then, even though she was an only child but her parents made sure that she was not a child of luxury.

There is no denying that they were capable then, but all that was lost due to the tragedy.

They were in debt and that her parents' savings were depleted because his father had been in a coma for more than a year and all the money they have was spent on her father's medical expenses.

Apart from this, her mother also needs her medication for her heart disease.

So everything the family had built was sold, except for the house they now live in.

"Althea anak (daughter) wake up now, so you can take your breakfast before you leave." Nanay (mom) Kristy knocked on her daughter's room.

"I'm awake mom, I'll take a bath first then I'll come down after." The girl answered her mother while going to the bathroom.

"Okay, hurry up then, the food will get cold."

"I will mom……right away." Answered back the daughter.


The sunlight was hot touching the girl's skin, but you can't see any complaints on her face, rather it was so refreshing and very beautiful.

Slender body, tall, sharp nose, long eyelashes, red lips, red cheeks, and round dark brown of her glistering eyes.

So before she leaves the house, the mother makes sure that her daughter's face is hidden.

Althea's mom made her wear a medical mask and long sleeves that were thick even though the sun was so high up, and the latter even wearing a cap.

Although the young lady wanted to disobey her mother she couldn't do anything because she was almost taken advantage of.

Because of her beauty ... sometimes Althea would think that it's a curse.

With the smoothness and whiteness of her skin and being a femme fatal, it will inevitably be discarded in the streets when she passes by.

The young lady's mom doesn't want her to sell again more snacks since the incident that they will never forget. Reasoning that nanay (tagalog term for mother) Kristy can display the cakes in her small store. But Althea insists, it will be a waste of investment if they just sell it to their store.





The bad nightmare happened in the girl's life when she was only sixteen years old ………… ..

She didn't notice that she is being far away from selling her mother's home-cooked food.

Althea didn't care that the men he met on the road earlier were following her. She thought that they were just taking the same route in going to their destination.

When it was time for the girl to turn into the quiet alley, they suddenly grab her and carried her to the dark woods near the side of the road.

"Don't please! Have mercy! Let me go!” The girl shouted as she tried to resist the two men holding her.

“Why would we?! Only now we can taste fresh meat, young, smooth and hhmm…....you smell so good and delicious…… hahahaha!! ” The man replied, who was a little ahead of them. His demonic eyes glazed over as he turned to look at her.

“Help....help! Please help me! ” Shouted the girl crying so ever loudly........trying desperately to escape from the men's hold.

"I said shut the f*ck up or else you will really get it this time! Cover that woman's mouth! ” The man shouted and commanded the two men holding the girl.




Meanwhile in the distance…...

"Miss, suddenly our car doesn't want to start, I'll just check out what is supposed to be the problem." Said the old man who was driving the car.

"Okay po (po is using, showing respect to an elder), try to fix it manong as soon as possible… ..my dad will be worried sick because we are so late." Answered the young passenger who was sitting in the back of the car.

"Yes miss, don't worry this will just take a moment." The old man reassures the young lady.

"I'll just call my dad manong (manong a term called to respect older man) to inform him." The girl answered at the same time as she took her phone out of her pocket.

As soon as the old man opened the door, he suddenly heard someone screaming for help.

“Miss, did you hear that? Someone is asking for help! ” The old man looked back at his passenger with a worried face.

"Yes, manong I heard the scream… ..let's go out, to make sure.......maybe it's just a howling of the wind."

The young lady and her driver got out of the car at the same time.

But they were shocked when they saw three men not so far from where they were standing.

Two of them were holding both arms of the girl who was lying down and trying desperately to get away from the men's strong grip.

The girl's face was bloody and she is attempting to kick the man in front of her, who is looking at her evilly bending down.

The man who is in front of the girl knelt and tried to remove the pants she was wearing.

"Let's help the girl manong... hurry up!" The rich girl was about to run to where the men were. It was a good thing that her old driver held her by the arm and stopped her.

"Wait, miss, we should not rush our actions. It's just the two of us. We can't handle them and you are just a child." The old man explained to the worried girl, assisting the situation beforehand.

"What are we going to do? Just watch the girl being raped by those three disgusting apes… .... and for your information old man, I'm a black belter in karate, then so be it!" Shouted the young Miss to her old driver, she doesn't want to be un respectful but her adrenaline got over her.

He doesn't know why he feels this way, thinking no doubt at all, whoever sees a person in this tragic situation will have no hesitation in helping them.

"No miss...….I just want to take the gun in the compartment that your father entrusted to me, better safe than sorry, just a moment." The old driver moved quickly, apart from being the driver of the rich girl, he was also the bodyguard.

Even though the old driver can be said to be old, he can still be seen as well built, since he was a soldier during his youth.

When he got the gun, he immediately fired it ... the sound was reverberating around the area.

The three men were suddenly alarmed, knowing someone see them without qualms they quickly ran away.

The bloody girl was left lying on the ground

The old driver fired the gun again at the area where the three men ran.

The rich young lady quickly ran to the place where the young girl was lying and bleeding.

"Please help!" The rich girl shouted at her driver.

He placed the woman's head on his thigh.

Pity can be seen on the rich girl's face, she never thought she would witness such a horrible and shocking event.

But she is also thankful that the men didn't successfully do the deeds that they were supposed to do, at least they helped her in the nick of time.

The rich girl wiped the girl's bloody face.

She noticed that the wound on the side of her forehead was not large enough.

The young rich lady was suddenly surprise, she stopped wiping the face of the girl, noticing how beautiful and serene it is.

Surprise is an understatement word to describe her reaction, she is bewildered and mesmerize by the beauty in front of her.

To be continued ……………… ..