-And that's why I'm late, mama, but Joshua brought me home - Emma said, trying to explain to her mother why she was so late.
Emma is the younger sister, her 24-year-old sister named Asha Vera spending little time at home, so it was just her and her mom named Salome, her mother helped her and understood her in everything that involved her studies and her personal life, she only had her.
-Ohhh Ok, if it was Joshua who brought you home then I will not be angry, he is a charm -Salome said as he took the sugar box and approached it towards the table to go for some coffee with his little daughter.
- Mom, Joshua is not the best in college, and please don't start, we talked about it, I won't marry him.
- Well, but can you at least admit that he's a charm? – Said his mother as he brought a toast to his mouth-charm or not he is like my family – said the blonde rising from the table to give a tender kiss on the forehead to his mother. - I want a grandson! and none of my daughters are getting married.
- MOTHER! I'M IN COLLEGE! - I speak Emma, the now crimson-colored face, approaching the door while putting on his shoes and his backpack.
- I have a good feeling about this cycle! I hope you know someone who makes you happy, you've been alone for a long time, maybe that's why you don't show a smile. - He said while picking up the plates.
-Mom - Emma said as she grabbed her mother's face to make eye contact - I'm Emma, I never need a man to be happy, I can be so long as you're with me, I can get a man, but it's not my priority, now I don't want a man in my life.
Men are shit, full of false promises and broken dreams.
- Honey, I understand that you speak and express yourself that way, but love is not how you have lived it - said her mother, helping her put on a scarf – Love is a different world full of pure sensations and feelings, someone will come, Emma, someone with whom you will feel more than safe and protected, someone who will make you blush with the smallest movement, someone who turns your closed world into a more beautiful and wide, someone who makes you tremble with just their gaze, someone who makes you feel that time passes as fast as slow, it will hurt a lot when they fight or when their relationship ends. That boy or girl will come Emma. And then, when you feel that, you'll call me as fast as you can and say, " Mom, I'm in love”
- Waaao, did you feel that with Dad? - Emma said, pretending to be lost in her and her mother's conversation, so much so that she didn't even realize she was late again - I think it's a bit of a difficult questi...
- Mama! I'm too late, fuck! I'll talk to you later, okay? I'm leaving, " said Emma, finally going to her university.
-You're going to meet him, you're going to meet him very soon - She said to her as he watched his daughter take a taxi and leave.
- Sir, can't you go faster? - I need to get to college as soon as possible - Emma said as she drew her hand to her mouth, feeling anxiety again.
Emma had been diagnosed at her short 15 years with anxiety, she had really strong crises to the point that she came to tremble, at first it was just pulling her hair one by one, but as the years went by the crises grew causing her to chew her hands and nails with despair, it all happened when her parents separated.
At his 7 years, he had gone through more than 10 psychological studies, when his mother spoke with the professionals all mentioned that Emma towards only one question.
Dad's coming, isn't he?
After the abandonment and the little paternal image she had, Emma had become a teenager with very little self-esteem and with a lot of insecurity, her father abandoned her when she was just three years old and her anxiety arose when she saw her mother cry 14 years in a row by a man who did not know how to love her.
Miss, Miss, Miss…
- MISS WAKE UP! - I shout the teacher talking to Emma seeing that her student had fallen asleep and she stood up with tears in her eyes - if you are not interested in my class, you are can retire!
Emma looked to the sides of the great room, she had really fallen asleep in class – Excuse me doctor – I speak the Blonde getting up to head to the bathroom quickly as she wiped away her tears.
Emma was trying to clean her eyes, she was walking nervous and with her hands shaking as she tried to grab her phone to call someone, she hated the crises that anxiety generated her, when she gets to the bathroom, looked at her face and the only thing that reflected at that moment was pain.
He approached the sink and rubbed his face with his wet hands, in some part of her body, the cold water soothed any worries he had.
When she felt that the dream was no longer taming her, she wiped her face with her hands and left the bathroom, not without first seeing two tall boys in the halls of her college, with large boxes in her arms and a professor giving them orders.
What were Jacob and Adam doing here? - She wondered.
After seeing them for a minimum of time, she could do eye contact with them, the men could only move their jaw in greeting since if they raised their hand they would make the box fall from their hands. Emma only smiled, raising her hand to return the greeting.
-Emma is there – Adam said, smiling at the little woman on the top floor.
-Well, say hello, idiot - Whispered Jacob, returning the greeting. The teacher in charge asked the young people to stay in their place, I explain few more things and disappeared from that corridor, leaving the two men alone.
Just then Emma was passing by to head to her salon.
- Emma! - Jacob screamed, making Adam and Emma just as scared. The woman smiled and approached the men, greeting the two in a kiss on the cheek.
- What is this? - Asked Emma, approaching Adam's box, opening it – it seems to me that they are texts for this faculty, a law professor asked us for help with these boxes – I answer Adam. Emma nodded her head, understanding the situation.
- And you? What are you doing outside your room? - Asked Jacob, trying to fix his annoying glasses – You're supposed to be getting classes right now, aren't you?
Emma rubbed her nape – Y-yes, so it should be, but I asked permission to go to the bathroom for a second – Replied gazing at Adam, he seemed to ignore the conversation entirely.
-You should go now, maybe you miss something important – Mumble.
Emma nodded and smiled-Yes, I should go no…
--- Cloe incoming call---
Emma whispered a " now I'm back” and walked away from a little of the men so they couldn't hear.
- "Hello? Emma? Are you okay?”
- "I'm fine. why didn't you come to school?”
- "I'm sorry if I have not called you, I requested for a few days to go on a trip, I had something to do outside the city, in a week I will be with you, are you sure you are okay?”
- "Don't worry, I'm fine! “
- "You know you can talk to me, right?”
- "I know and nothing bad has happened, do not be maniacal.”
- "It's called worrying about you, idiot!”
- "I'm late, will you call me later?”
- "I will take care, love”
--- End of call---
- Well? Is something wrong? - Asked Jacob looking with concern at Little Emma.
-Haha no, everything is fine, only Cloe called me – She said, holding his phone – Apparently he will be out of town for a week, then I am alone.
Jacob and Adam made eye contact and then laughed. Adam cleared his throat, prompting Jacob to speak.
-You could come with us - Jacob said, placing his box on the floor just like Adam, his arms began to get tired - of course, if your boyfriend agrees and doesn't kill us like the previous time - I wink.
- Don't say that haha, he's not my boyfriend
- Well, he almost killed us with his eyes yesterday - whispered Adam.
- Sorry, it's just that he does not know them – he smiled-maybe is that's why – the silence became uncomfortable when none of the three again made conversation-so I wait for them at their faculty? - Asked Emma, wanting to leave now.
- Yeah, we'll meet at the College door, ok? "Jacob said, looking at Adam, he only nodded his face.
– Okay, then I'll see you later - I answer and just as I greet, he said goodbye.
Emma had not been allowed to enter her recent class, she was practical without classes for three hours, waiting in her hallway to enter the classroom, once I enter her class, all those present looked at her strangely, as if they were looking at a freak or some famous. Emma completely ignored the uncomfortable looks and soon the classes were over, now she had to meet with Jacob.
And Adam.
I walk to the other faculty and visualize people going out with their friends, others with couples, and others completely alone, like her. Emma was proposed to enter college when a voice called her.
- Emma! Hello!
The shit that was missing, Henry.
Henry and Emma have known each other since the Blonde started college, but they are not friends, courting her since then making their “coincidence” encounters simply uncomfortable and annoying, like the of now.
- What Are you doing here, Emma? I haven't seen you since the cycle started, you look good. "The boy said, looking at her from head to toe in a clinically sexist way, making her grimace in disgust.
- Have you seen Jacob? I'm looking for him-said the woman, trying to look for his friend with his eyes, giving little jumps, because of his bearing.
- I know where he is. Do you want me to come with you? - I ask with a flirtatious face placing his arm on the shoulder of the blonde. "I'm fine Henry, just tell me where he is, I want to go alone," She said, taking the man's arm to remove him from his body. - If you don't go with me, I won't take you or you do it my way, or you don't. - Henry said to him as he grabbed her by the wrist to bring her closer to him.
- Then don't take her, I'm already here.
Emma and Henry turned in the same direction visualizing the two boys with intimidating looks and demeanor who were in front.
Thank God…
-Don't worry too much Jacob, I was just talking to Emma - he said, parting with Emma to get closer to the two men.
- By grabbing her arm like that? - Said Adam, pointing with his gaze at the doll of the blonde who positioned himself behind Jacob. - Who are you, idiot? – He said, pushing to the other side to back off - Henry, calm down if you mess with Adam you mess with me – I speak the missing voice, inflating his chest by taking small steps forward to demonstrate authority.
-Leave it, Jacob, it's not worth it - said Emma, standing in front of Jacob, grabbing his hand to push him away while he did not take his gaze off Henry. - Calm down, Brother, remember, you don't fight bitches. - He said in mockery mode Adam causing his friends to let out a giggle.
Emma looked beautiful laughing.
- Who do you call a bitch, motherfucker?
- I'm telling you, bitch. In my city that's what those who disrespect women are called – he said, looking at Henry, showing anger in his eyes, pointing to the aforementioned.
Henry was stunned at such an answer, I look at Emma expecting her to look at him, but the only thing he saw is that surprisingly she looked at Adam like she had never seen anyone, until now. All he had left was to walk away with all the dignity he had left.
- WOOOW! Boys! - Said Emma dropping that deep breath she had held by the fright of seeing men fight – I thought I was going to die - grabbing with her right hand her chest, straight to the heart.
-It's good, we arrived just in time - Jacob said, approaching her to give him a hug as his friend got a little uncomfortable. - Do you want to eat? I know a perfect place to go,- he said as they walked away from the problem to head to such a restaurant, chatting and laughing forgetting about Adam.
- By the way, where's Cloe? Why isn't he here showing me a bad face? - Asked the glasses.
-Ha, it's not that, it's just that it's hard for her to make friends - she said as she walked in and sat in a chair right next to Jacob – she went on a trip, she didn't tell me the reasons, but maybe it's something familiar.
- And your boyfriend? - Asked the missing voice with an overly piercing look - Excuse me? - She answered in confusion, turning her head slightly – Yes, your boyfriend Joshua - he said, receiving the drink that had come to her with a lovely smile – Oh I thought I mentioned it already, Joshua is just a friend, Joshua is like my family – She said, sipping her drink as she watched Adam.
Why would Adam ask something he had already mentioned three times?
- So, do we have to go get you all this week? - Asked Jacob cutting off the uncomfortable tension that had been provoked – if I upset you then there is no need I can go alone and take a tax…
- Nonsense Emma, then I'll come for you all week.
- Thank You, Jacob.
And it really was. Jacob went for Emma all week.